What languages does Mateo speak?
English, Spanish, Italian
Mateo's favorite things to do
Mateo's Spanish nicknames?
Garcia, Hernandez,
Mateo's favorite countries
Mexico, England, Italy, Iceland, Japan, Canada, and France, Ireland, Spain
Mateo's NUMBER 1 FAVORITE Car compony
2021 greenlight Chevy Tahoe
what are Mateo's Ethnicities
Italian, Hispanic, Latino, Irish, English, Indian, canadian
Mateo's favorite hobbies
making bracelets, drawing, basketball, football, baseball, running, soccer
Mateo's nicknames giving from Mariah
Baby Butcher, taytay, teo, AYO, mayo
Mateo's Favorite colors
navy blue, royal, blue, red, black, white, green
Mateo's favorite games
roblox Brookhaven, minecraft
Mateo's Favorite foods?
mac n cheese, steak, pork chops, fruit, bacon, pasta
Mexican food
Mateo's favorite holidays
Christmas, Cinco de Mayo, Thanksgiving, 4th of July and Birthday
Mateo's nicknames givin from friends
Matthew, mathematical, mayonnaise, mat, taytaytotortot, moto
Mateo's FAVORITE Mexican dishes (top 7)
Mateo's favorite number
Mateo's favorite people
who is Mom? Who is Mariah
Mateo's favorite words in Spanish
Te amo (si, no, yo te) quiero, hola, abuela
Mateo's favorite nicknames he loves from Mariah
baby Butcher, baby Mateo, sweet Mateo, hot Mateo
Mateo (mathao), Mao, teo, AYO, Theo, theodore
Mateo's favorite Mexican weapon to whoop you with ;)
Chancla, El Cinto, Peine.
Mateo's favorite subject in school
Social studies and/or history
Mateo's favorite shows, movies
The Tudors, ice age, victories, 70's show the 90's show, El Chavo, family guy, American dad
Mateo's top 3 MOST HATED people
Mateo's ULTIMATE nickname
King Mateo VIII
Mateo's least favorite car companies
chevy, bolt, neason extara.
Mateo's top 3 BIGGEST fears
Clowns, El Cinto, multitool