What is Material Science?
Study of material properties, behavior, and structure.
During 1903, Al-Cu alloys were used with aircraft engines. What metal was not used as material for an aircraft engine because they are “were too heavy to lift off the ground”?
Iron (Fe) engines
It is a non-metallic, inorganic material that is brittle, and typically has high melting points. They are used for their insulating properties, hardness, and heat resistance.
The application of science and technology that refers to the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular level.
True or False: Copper is the primary material used in the fabrication of integrated circuits.
Why study material reactions to stress and temperature?
To design safer and more durable materials.
During 1200BC, what are the two steps of Steel Hardening?
Quenching and Tempering
It is a type of material that are excellent conductors of electricity and heat and typically has a shiny appearance.
Metallurgy is an area of material science that examines the chemical and physical characteristics of metallic elements and their intermetallic complexes, also known as ____.
Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of a biocompatible material?
a) Sensitive to bodily fluids
b) Non-carcinogenic
c) Shouldn't trigger immune responses
a) Sensitive to bodily fluids
Examples of materials studied in Material Science?
Metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, semiconductor
It was mentioned earlier that the production and heat treatment of ____ alloys and ____ alloys are among the greatest technological developments in human history. What are those two alloys?
Fe-C alloys and Al-Cu alloys
This type of material is essential in modern electronics for controlling electrical signals. Examples are Silicon, Germanium, Gallium Arsenide.
What does "crystallography" mean?
Greek words crystallon= cold drop/frozen drop, graphein= write
In aerospace, this composite material has many advantages, including its lightweight, strength, and resistance to corrosion. It is made by combining carbon fibers with plastics. What is this material called?
Carbon-fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)