Historical Context
Global Comparison
Intervention Methods
Number of deaths per 100,000 live births in the United States?

12 to 15 deaths per 100,000. This rate has been consistent for the last 5 years.  The initial goal for the United States maternal mortality rate was 4.3 set by the Healthy People 2010 but our rate has consistently been 3-4 times larger than the national average goal.


James Marion Sims is the father of modern gynecology responsible for developing the ______.

The speculum which took 4 years to perfect after  practicing on slave women with no anesthetic.

What ethnic or racial group has the highest disparity in maternal mortality?
Black women.

Global rates of maternal mortality have fallen in the past 15 years by a third. Has the US followed this trend?


At what rate did the worldwide maternal mortality decrease between the years 1990-2015?

49% due to millennium development goals based off of the World Health Organization.

Approximately (worldwide) how many women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth?

830 women per day. Annual approximately over 300,000 women will die from complications of motherhood. As for the USA  50,000 women a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — endure dangerous and even life-threatening complication during pregnancy. 800 to 900 women a year die in the USA from maternal complications. 

In 1847 obstetrician Sir James Young Simpson produced ____ as a anesthetic for childbirth? (A drug known to knock you out rather quickly).
Chloroform, obviously patriarchy has bled into the development of women's healthcare. Queen Victoria used chloroform during her 8th delivery in 1853.

Order the following ethnicity/racial groups in order of best to worst maternal health outcomes.

African American





White (non-Hispanic)

Asian (non-Hispanic)


African American


Which four countries have the lowest maternal mortality rates?

Finland, Greece, Iceland and Poland. (All of which have some form of universal healthcare.)


Name a key important intervention for safe motherhood.

A trained provider with midwifery skills present at every birth, that transport is available to referral services, and that quality emergency obstetric care is available.

In the United States ___ out of 10 maternal deaths are preventable?

6/10, 70% of these maternal deaths will occur due to health complications with hemorrhaging (extreme loss of blood) and organ failure.


What national organization was responsible for the increased attention to maternal health outcomes in 2018?

The World Health Organization, they launched  intra-partum care procedures which were recommendations for both nonclinical and clinical care methods to prevent preventable maternal health complications.

What type of social factors impact the quality and disparities we see present in maternal health outcomes?
Prejudice, stereotypes, unconscious biases, socioeconomic status (poverty& income), education, income, and maternal age.
Which countries have the highest maternal mortality rate?
Syria Leone, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria and South Sudan. Sometimes the ratio of chance for maternal mortality in a developing country is 1 in 7-16. While developed countries can have a ratio of 1 to 1800 chance of maternal death.

Use of low cost interventions such as Kangaroo mother care (KMC) result in a _____ % reduction in mortality of newborns weighing less than 2000 g. (E.C. What is KMC?)

51%, Kangaroo mother care. This is skin to skin contact with newborn babies. (Hold them. Love them).
