This test is performed to assess placental function and determine the fetal well-being.
What is a nonstress test.
These are the 5 P's of childbirth
What is passageway, passenger, powers, position, psyche
This type of lochia is white and occurs from days 11-14 postpartum.
What is alba.
The resting heart rate of a newborn.
What is 120-160 bpm.
This type of medication produces uterine relaxation and suppresses uterine activity
What is tocolytics.
A pregnancy that occurs in a site other than the uterus.
What is an ectopic pregnancy.
These decelations mean that the cord is around the fetal neck
Variable decelations
In the postpartum period, the fundus of the uterus decreases by this many cm per day.
What is 1 cm.
A newborn's heart rate is 90 bpm, he has a vigorous cry, he has good flexion of his extremities, he has minimal response to suction, and his extremities are blue. What is his apgar score?
What is 7
This medication is given to the mother if she is Rh negative.
What is Rh Immune Globulin (RhoGAM).
These are the two signs of preeclampsia.
What is gestational hypertension (systolic >140, diastolic >90) and proteinuria.
This occurs during the 2nd stage of labor
What is expulsion of the fetus.
If you notice postpartum hemorrhage, this is the first thing you should do.
What is massage the fundus. **
The anterior fontanel should close between this age.
What is 12-18 months. **
The application of erythromycin ointment to the newborn's eyes protects against this disease.
What is ophthalmia neonatorum (Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis).
Bleeding acompanied by abdominal or low back pain is typical of this condition
Abruptio Placenta
This is used to determine fetal lung development
What is the L/S ratio
This is the term for the breast milk expelled during the first couple of days after delivery
What is colostrum.
This is the term for peripheral cyanosis of the hands and feet in the first few hours after birth.
What is acrocyanosis.
These are the first 2 things you would do if the patient receiving pitocin starting having hypertonic contractions.
What is stop the pitocin and notify the RN, and turn the patient on her side.
The accronym TORCH has been used to describe this
Infections devastating to the fetus and or newborn
This is a condition where the placenta is improperly implanted in the lower uterine segment near or over the internal cervical os.
What is placenta previa.
This complication occurs when a thrombus, often originating in a uterine or pelvic vein, passes into the lungs, where it disrupts circulation of blood.
What is a pulmonary embolism.
This reflex occurs when the baby's heel is stroked upward along the lateral aspect, the baby's toes hyperextend while the big toe dorsiflexes.
What is the Babinski reflex (plantar reflex) **BONUS: Describe the moro reflex.
Besides preventing preterm labor, this is another use for the administration of magnesium sulfate.
What is preventing seizures in preeclamptic and eclamptic patients.