Preterm Labor
Women's Health
Women's Cancers
Elevated BP 140/90 on 2 separate occasions at least 6 hours apart or diastolic >90 and Proteinuria. Edema is no longer a required factor, though it is a common symptom.
What are the parameters for a diagnosis of Pre-Eclampsia?
May be reported as a cramping pain or discomfort in the low back or that wraps from the back to the front and does not go away after emptying the bladder, lying down and rehydrating by drinking 2-3 glasses of water.
What is (symptoms/the discomfort associated with) preterm labor?
This test is routinely performed on all pregnant women around the 24th week of pregnancy to check for Gestational Diabetes.
What is the 50gm glucola test?
Dysmenorrhea is refers to this symptom and includes these groups of disorders.
What is the term for painful menstruation which includes a common group of disorders including PMS (premenstrual syndrome), PMDD ( premenstrual dysphonic disorder) and CPPD (cyclic premenstrual pain disorder) ?
What is the name of the gene(s) that identifies breast cancer carriers?
Vasoconstriction, vasospasm and endothelial damage occurring systemically. An alteration in the normal adaptations for pregnancy.
What is the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia?
Employment requiring long hours on her feet, prior PTL or birth, UTI, Premature rupture of membranes (ROM), lifestyle including domestic abuse, multiple gestation.
What are risk factors associated with PTL (pre-term labor)?
3:1 ratio is needed for this
What is the L/S ratio that indicates fetal lung maturity in the diabetic mom?
The woman is first advised to avoid caffeine (colas and coffee), decrease salt and sugar intake and avoid chocolate. She is also encouraged to exercise regularly to release natural endorphins and eat natural diuretics such as asparagus, peaches, and cranberries as methods to treat these disorders.
What are diet and lifestyle modifications used to treat PMS (and fibrocystic breast pain)?
These 2 anti-estrogen medications act to mimic estrogen and progesterone by attaching to hormone receptor sites on cancer cells to prevent cancer cell growth. Used for 5 years normally.
What is Tamoxophen or Raloxophen?
Bedrest or restricted activity, increased surveillance with the HCP, baseline labs are drawn and then weekly labs, NST weekly, daily kick counts, low sodium-high protein diet, and daily weights.
What is the treatment regimen for the pre-eclamptic patient? (non-hospitalized)
Terbutaline, Ritodrine and Magnesium Sulfate along with Betamethasone if the gestation is before 34 week; (given to enhance lung maturity).
What are medications commonly used to treat pre-term labor?
Maternal glucose crosses the placental and the result is that the fetal liver makes insulin in response. This response of the fetal liver is the result at birth for the newborn.
What is the cause of Hypoglycemia in the newborn of the diabetic mom?
Menorrhagia is this.
What is the term for HEAVY or excessive menses?
This surgical procedure removes the breast, nipple, pectoralis major muscle and lymph nodes in the axilla on the affected side.
What is the radical mastectomy?
This high alert medication is administered via an infusion pump and requires 1:1 care during administration of the bolus dose. It relaxes smooth muscle and decreases CNS irritability. The patient needs careful monitoring and assessment every 2 hours including I&O, respiratory rate, DTR's clonus and level of consciousness.
What is Magnesium Sulfate?
This refers to babies born between 34 and 36 6/7 weeks. These babies are at increased risk for readmission, have a higher mortality rate than term newborns and frequently experience feeding problems, low blood sugars and temperature instability.
What is a late pre-term infant. (LTPI)?
Macrosomia or LGA baby is this growth pattern
What is a common growth side effect seen in the newborn due to the excess glucose that crosses the placenta?
Because this may be the only time the client sees a provider- labs may be ordered, a complete health history is reviewed, immunizations are given, the physical exam is conducted and review of weight, diet, exercise, and stress management are performed during this visit.
What is the well woman exam?
Normal post operative care including I&O, dressing care, drain care, cough and deep breathe and use of inspirometer, emotional support, watch for arm edema, positioning the arm on pillows to facilitate drainage, no blood pressure, IV or blood draws on the affected arm and review of arm exercises before discharge.
What are the nursing considerations following mastectomy?
What is the therapeutic range/level for the patient receiving Magnesium Sulfate?
Time off work, bedrest or limited activity, incurring of health care costs, affects on the family with hospitalization, access to/travel to a higher level of care facility, extended stay in the NICU, long term care needs of the newborn and the real concern of possible death or life long disability.
What are some of the (emotional, financial and logistical) impacts to the family experiencing a premature birth?
Euglycemia is this.
What is the overall goal for any woman with diabetes in pregnancy whether she has gestational or pre-gestational diabetes?
During this normal phase in a woman's life, she may report she is experiencing amenorrhea, longer or shorter cycles, or DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) along with hot flashes or night sweats, mood irritability and problems with concentration.
What (are symptoms of) menopause or peri-menopause?
This common surgery is performed vaginally, abdominally or by laproscope and can be performed via robotics. The length of hospital stay varies based on how the procedure is performed.
What is the hysterectomy?