Increased HR, Grimacing, Agitation, Weakness, Dull/Sharp
What is pain?
Boggy fundus
Positive homans sign
What is DVT?
Contracting and relaxing pelvic muscles 5-10x/3x daily
What is Kegels?
Soft fundus, excessive lochia, pain, full bladdar
What is Uterine Atony?
Administer Analgesic
Low BP, High HR, Low Urine Output, Altered LOC, SOB
What is Hypovolemic Shock?
Change pad every 2-3 hours and with every voiding and defecation; Wipe perineum from front to back; Use good handwashing technique
What is Perineal Care/Perianal Care?
Bluish bulging swollen mass, pain
What is a Hematoma?
Decreased Urinary Output <30mL
Increased fluids
Sadness, Lethargy, Hopeless, evident within first 6wks
What is Postpartum Depression?
+ 400mg Calcium daily + 20g protein daily + 330-400cal daily + 4-5 servings of fruit/veggies, 2.5-3L fluids
What is Nutrition for breastfeeding?
Breast pain, Swelling, Warmth, Fever, Chills.
What is Mastitis?
Administer Antibiotics
Mild odorless lochia, fever, subpubic pain and tenderness
What is Endometritis?
Federal law requires employers to provide reasonable break time for an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for one year after the child's birth each time such employee has the need to express the milk.
What is the Wage and Hour Fact Sheet #73?
Low BP, Tachycardia, SOB, Cold/Clammy Skin
What is Hemorrhage?
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Cloudy urine, frequent and urgent urination, dysuria, fever
What is Urinary Tract Infection?
Lochia serosa returns to rubra, white line on perineum, fever and chills, SOB, sudden dizziness
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