What are some rules of pediatric medication administration? 

  • Remember 2 nurses check dosage for safety reason

    • Never call meds candy.


How do we measure I/O for an infant? 

  • Count wet diapers
    Number of diapers should equal days of life ex. 3 days old= 3 wet diapers
    Baby first stool (meconium) within the first 24-48 hours


What are Signs of sickle cell disease with vaso-occlusive crisis?

 Pain, fever 


What is the medication Ferrous Sulfate used for? 

 prescribed to prevent or treat  iron deficiency anemia 

  • For best absorption, take medication 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal 

  • Increase absorption if taken with OJ 

  • If gastric irritation occurs can be taken with food 

  • Stool may appear dark green or black 

  • May stain the teeth. ALWAYS USE A STRAW

  • Constipation is a s/e, drink adequate amounts of fluid


What is Placenta abruption and its signs and symptoms?

  • S/S: pain, quick and swift. NO VAGINAL EXAMS R/T BLEEDING.

  • placenta separates from the inner wall of the uterus before birth.


D/C teaching following a bilateral myringotomy (eustachian tubes) with tubes

  • Tubes fall out on their own 

  • Education: do not be alarmed if they fall out


What is the most common childhood cancer? 

Wilms tumor 


Signs of patent ductus ateriousus 

  • PDA is a defect that occurs when the fetal shunt between the pulmonary artery and the aorta does not close.  Causing increased blood flow to the lungs in a left-right shunting pattern. 

  • S/S include Fluctuating 02 Sats and BP, Systolic heart murmur (machine hum), Wide pulse pressure, Bounding pulses, Active chest wall to the left of sternum above the heart. 


Why would we give Rho(D) immune globulin to mom? 

 revent sensitization to the Rh factor in an Rh neg woman w/ Rh+ infant. Administered IM. 

  • Nursing considerations: antibody screening

  • Baby: receives weekly antibody test. 


What is placenta prev and what are the signs and symptoms? 

occurs when a baby's placentapartially or totally covers the mother's cervix — the outlet for the uterus.

  • S/S: painless bleeding. NO VAGINAL EXAMS


Explain how you would care for an infant with RSV 

  • Respiratory syncytial virus 

  • Isolation room, on contact and droplet precautions


What causes fatigue in the infant with Tetralogy of Fallot pg. 570-571

improper tissue perfusion 

  • Tetralogy of Fallout: includes a set of 4 defects that result in mixed blood flow throughout the newborn’s CV system. Life threatening condition that requires a series of surgical repairs and can be Dxed by ECG or cardiac cath. 4 defects include ventricular septal defects (VSD), pulmonary stenosis, overriding aorta, and R ventricular hypertrophy.

  • S/S include prominent heart murmur, Growth retardation/FTT, Polycythemia and clotting disorders, Cyanosis (not related to 02)

  • Causes: congenital heart defects


What are signs of pyloric stenosis? 

  • S/S: Projectile vomiting, always hungry , can't keep anything down, on exam  olive shaped mass evident during palpation, visible peristaltic waves on the infant’s abdomen.


Why do we give Vitamin K (Phytonadine) to a newborn baby? 

fat-soluble vitamin that promotes blood clotting and is generally synthesized by microorganisms in the intestines r/t the sterile gut. 

  • Administered via IM in the vastus lateralis muscle

  • Give 0.5-1mg IM to prevent neonatal hemorrhage

  • Vit. k deficiency bleeding can occur in newborns up to 6 months old 


If a breastfeeding mom has sore nipples now can we educate her to reduce symptoms? 

  • Make sure the baby is latched on properly 

  • Keep the nipples covered 

  • Wear a bra 

  • Teach how to get the baby off the nipple 

  • Alternate breasts during each feeding 

  • Don't let the child sleep too much 

  • Use of breast milk or lanolin on the nipples


Explain care of a child with eczema 

  • Shower or bathe a child after they sweat  then use emollient cream or lotion that is good for sensitive skin

  • Use small amount of steroid cream to affected areas

  •  Use immunomodulators

  • Avoid contact with wool or synthetic fabrics. Use Cotto

  • Never scrub the inflamed site or washing in hot water. 

  •  Oatmeal bath, sensitive skin soaps, cool compresses, foods could be a issue. 


Post op care of Hirschsprung's disease 

  • POST OP Care: Monitor for bleeding, edema, unusual drainage, fever, or any unexpected  alteration in skin integrity, P  After the return of bowel sounds and passage of confirmed passing of gas, introduce feedings slowly and monitor for tolerance. 

  • Teach the parent that the colostomy is temporary and will be reversed once the baby’s bowel has had time to rest


What are signs of lead poisoning? 

  • Irritability, developmental delay, not eating, wt loss, abdominal pain, seizures, 

  • Metallic taste in mouth, GI upset, Decreased urine output, alteration in thinking, “personality change”, black/blue discoloration along the gums, Paresthesias or abnormal sensations. 


What is oxytocin used for? 

Used to slow/ control uterine bleeding in the 3rd and 4th stage of labor

  • Aka Pitocin

  • Prostaglandins → cervical softening and increased uterine contractions. 

  • Oxytocin and Prostaglandin are the contraction hormones


What is pathological jaundice? 

  • ABO incompatibility (when people have one blood type and receive blood from someone with a different blood type) 

  • Usually occurs within the first 24 hours 

  • Mom is A baby is B+


Explain a cyanotic heart defect. 

  • Characteristics of cyanotic heart defects:  defects that mix oxygenated and deoxygenated blood,  Infant that is ductal dependent, Low pulmonary blood flow, or high pulmonary blood flow. 

  • Includes: Transposition of the great arteries, Tetralogy of Fallout, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), Tricuspid  Atresia


How would you care for a child with bacterial meningitis? 

  • Considerations: Keep IV patent , symptom management, and fluids as needed.

  • Maintain strict airborne/contact isolation left in place for 24-48 hrs until after the ABT Tx is begun, 

  • Monitor for  increasing ICP and Head circumference


Post op care for a child with cleft lip

  • Maintain an airway free of secretions 

  • Monitor for infections: DO NOT TAKE ORAL TEMP, to prevent tissue damage

  • Treat pain promptly and thoroughly  

  • Try not to put anything in the baby’s mouth, soft restraints may be placed on the child to keep hands out of the mouth.

  • Antibiotic cream that can be placed in the baby's mouth to prevent infection


Why would we give the Gardisil Vaccine? 

 given to prevent HPV which is associated with certain types of cancers 

  • Recommended for both boys at and girls around age 11

  • 3 doses, initial, then the 2nd dose at 2 months and the 3rd dose at 6 months 


What are Signs of preeclampsia? 

  • Constant headache 

  • High blood pressure 

  • Double vision 

  • Becomes eclampsia when a seizure occurs 
