What is "Five Hundred Forty Six" in Standard Form?
Write "123" in Word Form.
One Hundred Twenty Three
What is "234" in Expanded Form.
200 + 30 + 4
Draw 133 using Base Ten Blocks.
1 Hundred Block, 3 Tens, and 3 ones
How much is 4 Pennies in Cents?
4 Cents
What is "788" in Standard Form?
Write "256" in Word Form.
Two Hundred Fifty Six
What is "678" in Expanded Form.
600 + 70 + 8
Draw 543 in Base Ten Blocks.
Five Hundred Blocks, 4 Tens, and 3 Ones
How much is 2 Pennies and 2 Dimes?
22 Cents
What is "One Hundred Sixty Four" in Standard Form?
Write "105" in Word Form.
One Hundred Five
What is "899" in Expanded Form.
800 + 90 + 9
Draw 677 in Base Ten Blocks.
6 Hundred Blocks, 7 Tens, and 7 Ones.
How much is 1 penny, 1 dime, and 2 nickels?
21 Cents
What is "Eight Hundred Thirty Two" in Standard Form?
Write "986" in Word Form.
Nine Hundred Eighty Six
What is "Four Hundred Sixty Seven" in Expanded Form?
400 + 60 + 7
Draw 104 in Base Ten Blocks.
1 Hundred Block and 4 Ones
How much is 3 quarters?
75 Cents
What is "Nine Hundred Five" in Standard Form?
Write 200 + 30 + 6 in Word Form.
Two Hundred Thirty Six
What is "Eight Hundred Five" in Expanded Form?
800 + 5
Draw 413 in Base Ten Blocks
Four Hundred blocks, 1 Ten, and 3 ones
How much is 4 pennies, 3 dimes, 1 nickel, and 1 quarter?
64 cents