What's my favorite color?
What is considered Tardy in our class?
Arriving after bell rings
Who is our principal?
Mr. Nash
What is the name of a shape with four equal sides?
Who's this person?
Ms. Solouki when she was 5
How many siblings do I have?
Where should you check your grade?
on Synergy only
What are our school's colors?
Emerald green and grey
What is x in 3x called?
How many rings are on the Olympic flag?
What's my favorite candy?
Sour patch kids
What is the cellphone policy in our class?
Cellphones must remain in the green pocket at all times!
What's the name of our mascot?
Tommy Titan
What does any number to the power of zero equal to?
What is the capital city of France?
What's my favorite Disney classic?
Sleeping Beauty
What is the policy for taking a break outside of the classroom?
1. We must always ask Ms. Solouki for permission first.
2. We cannot take breaks the first and last 10 minutes of class.
3. We must sign in and out and take a pass.
What's the name of our yearbook?
Solve for x.
What is the freezing point of water in degrees Fahrenheit?
What university did I get my master's degree from?
University of Souther California (USC)
What are the two most important expectations in our class?
Respect and Communication
When was our school established?
September 1961
What is the the difference between and equation and an expression?
An equation has an equal (=) sign in it.
Who's this person and what's his name?
My older nephew, Daniel