What is the Commutative Law of Multiplication?
What is a decimal Point?
Separates the whole number and the decimal
What is a proper fraction?
the numerator is less than the denominator
What is a product?
the answer of a multiplication problem
What shape is a parallelogram with 4 congruent sides and 4 right angles?
What is the Commutative Law of Addition?
What is a decimal?
Another way to write a fraction
What is an improper fraction?
the numerator is equal to or larger than the denominator
What is a factor
the numbers being multiplied
What is a shape will all sides that are equal?
What is the Identity Law of Addition?
How do you read a decimal?
read as if it were a whole number and give it the name of the place of its last digit
How do you add fractions?
the denominator is like a label; only add like terms/labels
What are common factors?
a factor shared by 2 or more numbers
What shape is a parallelogram with 4 right angles?
a rectangle
What is the Identity Law of Multiplication?
What is a mixed decimal?
contains a whole number and a decimal
What are equivalent fractions?
fractions that are stated differently but have the same value
What is a Greatest Common Factor?
the largest factor any 2 or more numbers have in common
What shape is a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel sides?
What is the Identity Law of Division?
How do you multiply Decimals?
Multiply as usual, begin at right and count total decimal place s in both factors & count off that many places in the product.
How do you multiply fractions?
1. multiply the numerators for the product numerator
2. multiply the denominators together for the product denominator
What are pairs of factors?
two numbers which form a certain product when multiplied together
What shape is a parallelogram with 4 congruent sides?