The sum of 7823 and 3564
What is 11387?
The difference between 4,232 and 1,344.
What is 2,888?
The product of 47 and 22.
What is 1,222?
The quotient of 121 and 11.
What is 11?
It means the numerator is larger than the denominator.
What is an improper fraction that is greater than one whole?
The sum of 5487 and 4695.
What is 15,182.
The difference between 50,010 and 23,165?
What is 26,845?
The product of 327 and 59.
Wht is 19,293?
The quotient of 8866 and 11.
What is 806?
Three fractions that are equivalent to 1/2.
What are 2/4 3/6 4/8 5/10 6 12 ?
The sum of 450.52 and 651.89
What is 1,072.41?
The difference between 36.2 and 7.05.
What is 29.15?
The product of 264 and 378.
Wht is 99,792?
The quotient of 1222 and 26.
Wlhat is 47?
Three fractions that are equivalent to 3/7.
What are 6/14 9/21 12/28 15/35 ?
The sum of 101.101, 10.01 and 1
What is 112.111?
The difference between 2 1/2 and 7/10?
What is 1 8/10 or what is 1 4/5 (extra 100)?
The product of 3.75 and .146.
What is .54750?
The quotient 25,232 amd 83.
What is 304?
The sum of 3/7 and 5/21.
What is 14/31 or 2/3?
The sum of 2/3 + 1/6 + 1/12.
What is 11/12?
The difference between 100.0202 and 1.13131.
What is 98.88889?
The product of the sum of .107 and .020 and the sum of 1.01 and 6.2.
Wht is .91567?
The quotient of 9.024 and 2.4.
What is 3.76?
The sum of 1/4, 2/5 and 3/20. ( this must be reduced to the lowest term)
What is 4/5?