My favorite kind of cereal has marshmallows and letters. If there are 3 letters for every 1 marshmallow, and I have 20 marshmallows, I have this many letters.
21 / 7= ____
Jody went to the store to buy milk. Her milk costed $2.75, and she paid with a $5.00 bill. She received this much change back.
Two lines that run beside each other without ever touching are called this.
parallel lines
Find the product of 5 and 123.
Find the product of 7 and 8.
If I have a bag of marbles containing 7 blue marbles, 4 red marbles, and 6 yellow marbles, I have this fraction of red marbles.
Hint* in a fraction the numerator is the number your HAVE the denominator is the TOTAL
Two lines that cross one another, forming four 90 degree angles are called this.
perpendicular lines
Simplify 4/8.
Name two strategies for solving a multiplication problem that has you stumped. Fact knowledge cannot be one of the strategies.
arrays, number line, area model, repeated addition, drawing a picture, number bonds
Divide 84 by 8.
Annabelle's class gets back from lunch at 12:15. Their lunch period lasts 40 minutes. They go to lunch at this time.
What is the point (0,0) on a coordinate plane called?
The origin
In 47 x 18 = 846 ; 47 and 18 are called these
I have 64 boxes. In each box, there are 6 books. I have this many books in all.
I had 45 brownies and 10 kids in my class. To be fair, each child should receive this many brownies, and I'll have none left.
4 1/2
Jake went to the movies at 2:25 and got out at 5:15. He spent this much time at the movies.
2 hours 50 minutes
A square has an area of 16 sq. ft. and a perimeter of 16 ft. What is the length of one side of the square?
HINT** Area = Length x width
if a square has 4 equal sides, and the length x width = 16, what are the factors?
4 ft.
1/8 + 4/6 = _____
6/48 + 32/48 = 38/48
Solve: 1,257 x 6
Solve: 98/8
Mark decided buy a toy with his allowance. This toy costed $17.85. After he paid, he received $2.15 in change. He must have given the cashier this amount.
Dice are an example of this shape
Solve- 400 x 30