A female turkey is called a hen, what is a male turkey called?
If you add the length of all four sides of a rectangle, you will find the
X + 7 = 15
What is this symbol? +
plus sign
Do both male and female turkeys gobble?
No, only males gobble
This shape has four equal sides
Is a.m. in the morning or afternoon>
In the morning
X + 4 = 16
X= 12
What is this symbol <
less than
Where do wild turkeys sleep?
In trees
Double Jeopardy!
You get 200 points
Double Jeopardy!!
You get 600 points!
What is this symbol =
equal to
Can wild turkeys fly?
The area is what part of a shape
Is p.m. in the morning or afternoon?
In the afternoon
X- 3 = 7
X= 10
What is this symbol? >
greater than
Do turkeys see in color?
Yes, and they see better than humans too.
The perimeter is what part of a shape
The outside
How many hours are in a day?
X - 15 = 6
x = 21
What is this symbol?
divided by