The 3 in 431,429 is worth with this much
The numbers that are multiplied together are called
The two parts of the fraction
numerator and denominator
The place value of the digit 7 in 20.07
the hundredths place
The value of the digit 3 in 19.30
The product of 6,000 and 4
The quotient of 420 divided by 7
Put these fractions in order from least to greatest
one-half, three-fourths, two-sixths
two-sixths, one-half, three-fourths
194.2 + 202.3
What place value is worth 100x more than the value of a number in the hundreds place?
The product of 340 and 8
The quotient of 420 divided by 3
Put these fractions in order from smallest to largest
1/3, 2/4, 9/10, 1/8
1/8, 1/3, 2/4, 9/10
200.95 - 103.6
The value worth 10x more than the hundreds place in the number 54,130 would have a one in what place value
The product 139 and 82
The quotient of 595 divided by 2
297 R1
The sum of 5/8 and 7/8
12/8 or 1 and 4/8
48.20 x .5
Create the largest number possible and the smallest number possible using only these digits:
5 9 1 6 2
Largest: 96,521
Smallest: 12, 569
The grade is going on a field trip and has 98 students. Each ticket for a student costs $8. How much does it cost for the field trip for the grade?
A group of students are going to a baseball game. The game costs $320 for all the tickets. There are 8 people going to the game. How much does each ticket cost?
The product of 4/5 x 4
16/5 or 3 1/5