The set of numbers less than zero.
negative numbers
The rule for adding two numbers with the same sign.
add the numbers and keep the sign
-2.4 + (-1.4) =
-7 - 12 =
Fractions, decimals, and integers are all what kind of numbers?
rational numbers
The distance between a number and zero.
Absolute Value
The rule for adding two numbers with different signs.
subtract the numbers and take the sign of the number with the larger absolute value.
1.9 + (-0.7) =
2.7 - 3 =
-40 x -2
Two numbers that are the same distance from zero are called...
opposite numbers
What can we do when we have a problem like this:
8 - (-2)
Turn it into addition: 8 + 2
-15.7 + 9.2 =
7.6 - (-10) =
The set of whole numbers and their opposites.
What do fractions have to have for us to be able to add and subtract them?
The same denominator
-1/4 + 3/4
83.36 - (-46.50) =
-130 - (-120) + 45
For a decimal to be rational, it has to be ______________ or _______________.
terminating or repeating
Give an example of a repeating decimal and a terminating decimal.
Answers will vary
-5/6 + -7/6
3/8 - 1/3