This is the largest country in the world in area
What is Russia
Thing One and Thing Two star in this Dr. Suess novel.
What is "The Cat in the Hat?"
This plant has leaves in groups of three, and gets most people itching and scratching.
What is poison ivy (poison oak)?
What song by Kendrick Lamar and Sza is #1 today on Billboard's charts?
What is Luther?
The value of -12 - 2.5
What is -14.5
This country has the largest population of any in the world.
What is India?
In the Harry Potter novels students might be Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Gryffindor, or this house.
What is Slytherin?
Servals, Caracals, and Ocelots are all this type of animal.
What are cats?
This female rapper from Portsmouth, VA is in the rock and roll hall of fame.
Who is Missy Elliot?
The name of a polygon with six sides.
What is a hexagon?
The capital of this country is Rome.
In the painting, "The Scream," the man is standing on this.
What is a bridge?
This is the largest type of bird.
What is an ostrich?
The three B's of classical music are Bach, Brahms and this man.
Who is Beethoven?
The value of 10 raised to the 3rd power?
What is 1000?
This country is made up of over 7500 islands, one of which is Luzon.
What is the Philippines?
The three most common types of paint for art are acrylic, watercolor and this type.
What is oil?
We don't get to roast their nuts anymore because the American variety of this tree is all but extinct due to a fungus.
What is the Chestnut tree?
Some people think this leader of Nirvana was murdered by his girlfriend, Courtney Love.
Who is Curt Cobain?
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, and 29 are all this type of numbers.
What are prime numbers?
If you head due East across the Atlantic Ocean, this is the first country you would reach.
What is Portugal?
It's the title of the second "Hunger Games" novel.
What is "Catching Fire?"
It's a type of whale that lives in the arctic ocean and has one horn.
What is a narwhal?
The National Anthem was written about events that happened in this war (named after a year)?
What is the War of 1812.
This many months have 31 days.
What is 7?