Simplify Expressions
Area, Perimeter, and Volume
Tracy is pouring a pitcher of lemonade. She measured seven 12-fluid ounces servings and had 3 fluid ounces left over. Which of the following shows a way to find, f, the number of fluid ounces of lemonade she originally had in the pitcher?
What is f=3 + (12)(7)?
[52 + (48 ÷ 8)] + 17
What is 75?
Simplify 15/25
What is 3/5?
On a scatterplot if the x axis is increasing and the y axis is increasing, what type of trend does it have?
What is a positive trend?
What is the formula for finding area?
What is length times width?
Lucy had 5,689 envelopes to sort. She places 43 of the envelopes in a basket. She dumped the remaining envelopes into a mail sorting machine. The machine fills 13 trays with the envelopes, putting the same number in each. What is the equation used to find n, the number of envelopes in each tray?
What is (5,689 - 43) ÷ 13=n
48 - [(7+5) x 3] ÷ 4 + 2(11)
What is 61?
My mother bought two pizzas for dinner last night. We ate 5/8 of the pepperoni pizza and 1/2 of the cheese pizza. How much pizza was eaten?
What is 1 1/8?
Below is a stem-and-leaf plot representing 20 pieces of rope. How many pieces of rope is at least 3.8 meters but less than 5.0? [Key: 1 | 9 =1.9] Stem | Leaf 1 | 8 9 9 9 2 | 0 0 1 2 2 6 3 | 0 2 5 8 9 4 | 2 7 8 9 9 9
What is 8?
Morgan has 3 identical picture frames hanging on her wall. Each frame has a 12 inch base and a height of 14 inches. What is the area of each picture frame?
What is 168 square inches?
Rachel opened 16 boxes of cooked to put on trays for a party. Each box contained 1 dozen cookies. She placed the cookies equally on to 4 trays. At the end of the party, all of the trays were empty expect for one tray which still had 5 cookies on it. How many cookies were taken off that tray?
What is 43?
[16.04 + (5.2 x 9)] ÷ 4 x 5
What is 78.55?
Mrs. Penhale is refilling bottles with 1/8 quart of hand sanitizer. How many bottles can she fill if she has 4 quarts of hand sanitizer?
What is 32?
Decide on each situation if it is a positive trend, negative trend, and/or no trend. Situation 1: The number of study hours and test scores. Situation 2: The number of pets you own and your age. Situation 3: The number of hours you watch TV and your test scores.
Situation 1: Positive Trend Situation 2: No Trend Situation 3: Negative Trend
What is the expression to be used to determine the perimeter of a square whose sides each measure 3 centimeters?
What is 4 x 3? (Or 3+3+3+3)
Oscar and his 3 friends equally shared the $940 they earned during June and July cutting lawns. Oscar spent $45 of his money for a new video game, and saved the rest of it for his college books. If his goal is to save $325 for his college books by the end of the summer, what would be the value of m, the amount of money he still needs to save by the end of August?
What is $135?
15 x 2.5 (25-17) ÷ 10 - 4.83
What is 25.17?
Emily drank 2/5 quart of milk and Jason drank 1/10 of a quart less than Ellie. How much milk did they drink together?
What is 7/10?
Create a table of 4 different coordinate points that satisfy the equation y= x +2?
Answers will vary. Examples: x=12, y=10 x=18, y=16 x=17, y=15 x=19, y=17
Curtis has a box. The area of the base of the box, B, is 84 square inches. The volume of the box, is 1,176 cubic inches. What is the height of his box?
What is 14 inches?
Jessica is placing crayons in baskets for each table group she has in her classroom. She has a total of 6 baskets and a total of only 51 crayons. She knows she wants to place 9 crayons in each basket at each table. What would be the value of c, the number of crayons she still needs to have 9 crayons in each basket?
What is 3?
4 x [18 ÷ (2+4)] + (24 - 9) ÷ 3
What is 17?
Kandis had 6 feet of wrapping paper. He used 3/5 of the paper to wrap some presents. How much does he have left?
What is 2 2/5?
On a scatterplot, if the x axis is increasing and the y axis is decreasing, what type of trend does it have? (Hint: draw an example!)
What is a negative trend?
Cynthia and Lisa built a frame around their raised garden. The rectangular garden has an area of 108 square feet. If one side of the garden measured 9 feet, what is the perimeter of the garden?
What is 42 feet?