Is the number 56 prime or composite? How about 23?
What is composite and prime?
Write two fractions that are equivalent to 4/5.
Find the LCM of 4 and 10.
What is 20?
Write 2 5/8 as an improper fraction.
What is 21/8?
Write 0.54 and 1.8 as fractions.
What are 54/100 and 1 8/10?
Test 345 for divisibility by 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, and 10.
What is 3 and 5?
Write two equivalent fractions to 6/9.
What are 12/18, 30/45, or others?
Find the LCM of 6, 9, 24.
What is 72?
Write 19/8 as a mixed number.
What is 2 3/8?
Write 0.125 and 3.64 as fractions.
What are 125/1000 and 3 64/100?
Write the prime factorization of the number 54.
What is 2 x 3 to the 3rd power?
Write 6/24 in simplest form.
What is 1/4?
Order the fractions from least to greatest: 2/3, 2/9, 3/5.
What is 2/9, 3/5, 2/3?
Write 15/7 as a mixed number AND 3 4/7 as an improper fraction.
What is 2 1/7 and 25/7?
Write 2 13/20 as a decimal.
What is 2.65?
Write the prime factorization of the number 72.
What is 2 cubed x 3 squared?
Write 15/33 in simplest form.
What is 5/11?
Order the fractions from least to greatest: 1/7, 9/56, 1/8.
What is 1/8, 1/7, 9/56?
Order the numbers from least to greatest: 23/5, 19/4, 4 1/2.
What is 4 1/2, 23/5, 19/4?
Write 7/9 as a decimal.
What is 0.7 repeating?
Find the GCF of the numbers 24, 60, 72.
What is 12?
Write 18/63 in simplest form.
What is 2/7?
Order the fractions from least to greatest: 7/25, 2/5, 3/10.
What is 7/25, 3/10, 2/5?
Order the numbers from least to greatest: 6 2/3. 13/2, 6 5/6, 33/5.
What is 13/2, 33/5, 6 2/3, 6 5/6?
Write 3 8/15 as a decimal.
What is 3.53 (3 repeating)?