What does respect look like when someone else is speaking?
Listening quietly without interrupting and making eye contact.
What should you do if you find yourself getting distracted during a lesson?
Refocus your attention by taking deep breaths, taking a sip from water bottle, grabbing a silent fidget
What does putting in your best effort look like during a math class? (3 things!)
Using resources, asking/answering questions, writing down notes/showing all work, raising your hand to ask questions/comment, no side conversations, positive self talk
What should you do when working with a partner if you don’t agree on an answer?
Discuss the reasoning behind your answers respectfully and try to come to a mutual understanding. Change your work and answer once your understand what mistake you made.
What should always be in front of you while you're working on math problems? (3 things)
The assignment, the resource, and a multiplication chart
How can you show respect to your peers when they answer a question incorrectly?
Offer encouragement and support instead of laughing or making them feel bad -- remember, there will be a day when math is hard for you, too!
How can you stay focused during independent work time? (3 things)
Pick a seat away from people who distract you, keep your resources out and use them, try to do only 1 step at a time, ask questions early, use positive self talk
What is one way to show effort when you don’t understand something?
Reading your resource, figuring out where you are stuck, and asking the teacher for help.
How can you support a classmate who seems frustrated with a math problem?
You can offer encouragement and ask if they’d like help or suggest breaking the problem into smaller steps. Sometimes just reassuring them that it’s okay to struggle can help them stay motivated to keep trying. -- you don't understand it YET. Model positive self talk for others.
What kind of mindset helps you to persevere (keep going) when math is tough? Explain it!
How can you respect your classmates' right to learn? (3 things!)
Allow them to learn by letting the teacher teach, not talking while the teacher is talking, raising your hand to answer questions (not blurting), making only positive comments, keeping inside thoughts inside, reminding yourself that even if this concept is easy to YOU it might not be for them, trying your best before asking the teacher questions (share the teacher), only seeing the teacher during advisory if you've tried yourself already
What’s one thing you can do if you feel like your mind is wandering during math class?
Ask a clarifying question to get back on track
Why is it important to give your best effort, even on practice problems?
Math is not a spectator sport; if you don't practice, you won't make progress.
How should you act if a peer finishes a math problem before you do and offers to help?
You should thank them for offering help and decide if you need it. If you’re ready to keep working on your own, let them know politely that you’d like to keep trying first. However, if you're stuck, don't hesitate to ask for help — it’s okay to need assistance, and asking for help shows you’re committed to learning. Don't allow them to distract YOU from working at YOUR pace!
What is the FIRST thing you should do if you feel stuck on a math problem?
Find the resource that goes with the work and look for the FIRST step
What does respect look like when the teacher gives instructions? Why is it important?
Respect looks like doing things the first time asked. It means working quietly, using kind language to myself and others. It means putting in my best effort. Following the teacher’s instructions helps keep the class organized and ensures that everyone is learning effectively.
What should you do if you're solving a math problem and realize you're stuck, but the rest of the class is moving on to the next problem?
Move on to the next problem with the teacher. If you get stuck on one step, ask for clarification AT that step. Do not wait until you're fully lost to ask for help!
How can you demonstrate effort in math class even when the lesson feels boring, easy, or repetitive?
You can demonstrate effort by staying engaged and actively participating, even if the material seems easy. For example, you can ask questions to deepen your understanding, help classmates who might need assistance, or challenge yourself by looking for more complex ways to approach the problems. Even when the lesson feels simple, putting in effort means staying focused and making the most of the opportunity to learn.
What should you do if a classmate keeps talking while you’re trying to concentrate on your work?
You can politely ask them to lower their voice or ask them to work together on something. For example, you might say, “Hey, I’m trying to focus on this problem, but I’d love to talk with you about it when I’m done.” This shows you respect their right to talk but need quiet to concentrate.
How can you stay organized when solving long math problems?
Write small and legible - from left to right or top down
What are some ways you can show respect for the classroom environment and your peers?
Keeping your area clean, returning materials properly, using kind words to yourself and others, putting in your best effort
How does staying focused in math help with your learning and understanding?
It allows you to grasp concepts more easily and prevents you from falling behind on important material. Practice makes progress!
What happens if you don’t put in effort during math class?
You might miss key concepts, fall behind, and find it harder to understand future lessons. Math work 'snowballs' and you don't want to feel overwhelmed.
How can we collaborate to make this the best math class we could possibly have? (3 things)
Share ideas openly, support each other with kindness and positivity, listen to directions the first time they're given, helping others, staying focused and allowing others to do the same, staying focused on growth
1. Over TIME -- do not wait until the week of the quiz to work on math.
2. Do homework every night - see the teacher if you don't understand a concept
3. make corrections if you get a purple paper.
4. Complete the quiz review and CHECK your work BEFORE the quiz