Entry Routine
Class Rules
Scavenger Hunt
Ms. Gonzalez

How should we enter the room? 

Quietly, voice level 0, silently, without talking


What do you do when you want to speak or ask Ms. Gonzalez a question in class?

Raise your hand and wait to be recognized 


Where do you go to turn homework in?

I turn homework in at the Turn In Trays. 


Where does your pencil go if you're not using it?

In the pencil tray on my desk.


What's one of Ms. Gonzalez's favorite pass times?

Reading, spending time with family and friends


Where does your binder go?

Under my chair. 


When should you follow directions from a teacher?

The first time the directions are given, right away, as soon as she says them


Name 2 things you will find at the student center board.

Lunch schedule, sports schedule, school calendar, important dates (answer could be any 2 of these)


Name 2 rewards you can earn by filling your marble jar.

Chromebook period, Bartlett, Movie period


How many years has Ms. Gonzalez taught at the SMMS?

She has taught at the SMMS for 2 years, this is her 3rd year teaching here.


Where does your agenda book, notebook and folder go?

On your desk in the upper left hand corner (or right hand corner if you're left handed)


What are 3 things you should keep to yourself?

Your hands, feet, and objects.


How do you ask permission to get a tissue, or sharpen your pencil? (Extra points if you can demonstrate.)

You use your seat signal. 

Tissue: touch noise and raise hand

Sharpen Pencil: hold pencil in the air


After Ms. Gonzalez gave a verbal or visual warning to a student, what will happen to that student decides not to meet expectations?

Have a conversation with Ms. Gonzalez or change seats


How many years did Ms. Gonzalez study in college?

4 years (she is also taking classes now for her masters degree)


How will you get to your seat?

By taking the most direct route, going right to my seat


Who should we respect in the classroom?

Ourselves and others


After returning from school from being sick, what is the appropriate thing to do about your absent work in math class?

Check the absent work bin and get any assignments, ask for help if I need it, and complete and turn in work (within one week).


Name 2 different ways you can earn Marbles in the Marble Jar.

Getting compliments from another teacher, when the whole class makes good choices (walking in quietly, focusing during Mini Lesson, follow MVP, do independent work, on task math discussions)


What food(s) does Ms. Gonzalez love to eat?

She loves pizza (and mac and cheese).

After I put away my materials and sit at my desk, what should I do?
My Do Now

Give an example of what a student should say to respect herself in stead of "I can't solve this problem because I'm bad at math." 

I can't do this YET, but if I look at my notes/ask a teacher or my classmates I can. Answers will vary. 


Why is it important to look at the daily schedule everyday?

So you know what the agenda is, so you can see the homework, to check the date, to see what you'll be learning today, etc. (Teacher will judge if answer is accurate) 


What do we do in this class? (Hint: the answer is one word and easier than you think)

In this class we LEARN!


What did Ms. Gonzalez study in college?

Middle School Education (with a concentration in math)
