More Syllabus Info
More Syllabus Info
True or False

The next class (or location) this grade has following Math on Monday-Thursday. 

4) PE

5th) English

6th) Lunch

7th) Homeroom


Water bottles go here. 

What is the Water Bottle Bin


The percent of our grade that goes to Assessments (not counting Midterms/Final Exams)

What is 40%?
These days and times are my office hours.

When is "Tuesday -Thursday Mornings 7:30-8:25AM"?


True or False: If you don't understand something, you should raise your hand.


Asking for clarification is a great way to make sure we know everything Mr. Wittrock is explaining, whether we missed something he said, didn't understand it, or couldn't hear him clearly. 


The 3 steps for leaving the classroom.

1) we write down our homework

2) when Mr. Wittrock says "it's time to clean up" we silently pack up our things clean up around our desk, push in our chairs and stand behind our desks.

3) When Mr. Wittrock says "Have a great day Class" we leave one row at a time starting with the one closest to the door. 

The two times we should be talking during the class. 

1) When called on, 

2) when working with a partner (but quietly)


The percent of our grade that goes to Participation, which includes behavior, coming to class on time, listening and participating in class. 

What is 10%


What are the 4 Ps that we should be.

Be Prompt

Be Prepared

Be Polite

Be Productive

True or False: We only have 2 days of Math Next week.


We have camp Wednesday - Friday next week


This is the only thing you can do without asking during class, as long as you don't use it to distract other classmates. 

What is throwing away a tissue.

This is the best time to use the rest room.

When is "Before or after class"?

If it is an emergency we can ask during the first half of class, but multiple times of asking this will result in a conversation with Dr. Song because we cannot make a habit out of missing class. 


This is the way and the location we line up for class.

What is in a straight line against the wall, in the hallway? 


Give every team in the room 300 points for each member who has turned in their syllabus slip signed by their parents. 



True or False: Math class is not the time for arguments. 


It is a time for learning. This is a positive space where everyone can feel safe not a place for arguments or mean comments. Be polite. 


The 4 steps for entering the classroom. 

What are 1) entering silently

              2) putting water bottles in the water bottle bin

               3) sitting in our seat

               4) Taking out binder, a pencil, and any paper  homework we have. 


If you know you will be missing school for some time in the future you should do this a couple days before. 

What is "ask for the upcoming homework" ahead of time? 


You are graded on these 5 categories. 

What are "Homework, Quizzes, Assessments (tests and Projects), Exams(and Midterms), and Participation"?


This is the name of the textbook/workbooks we are using this year. 

What is "Open Up Resources"


True or False: We don't have to eat before playing games or sports during lunch.


We all will go to the tables to eat lunch first, then to another location (ie, Gym...) to play sports or games after we have eaten. 


The next class (or location) this grade has following Math on Friday.

4) Science

5) Science

6) Lunch

7) Science


This is how we ask a question or answer a question. 

What is "raising our hands high, remaining silent, and waiting to be called on"?


Where can you or your parents go to find homework?

What is Google Classroom? it will have Workbook pages listed if that is homework, IXL skills listed or any other worksheets or projects that have been assigned. 

Also you will see IXL homework on IXL


This is what you should do when you are done with the independent practice.

What is raise my hand and ask Mr. Wittrock what to work on next. 


True or False: during your last class on Friday, you only do work for that subject (ie if your last class is with me you will only work on Math)

False, on Fridays you have 2 hours where you will be working on things from all your classes. 
