x = 8
What is the area of a square with side length 2?
How many ways are there to pick 2 numbers from the the range 1-6? (order doesn't matter and replications are not allowed)
How many prime numbers are there under 50?
Who is this equation named after: a^2+b^2=c^2
The sum of three numbers is 96 The first number is 6 times the third number, and the third number is 40 less than the second number. What is the absolute value of the difference between the first and second numbers?
A right triangle has a leg of length 5 and hypotenuse 13. Find the area of this triangle.
Find the number of ordered pairs of prime numbers (p,q) such that p+q=103.
Name a "Father of Calculus".
Newton or Leibniz
Suppose there exist distinct positive integers a,b,c such that ln(a)+ln(b)+ln(c)=ln(a+b+c). Find the minimum of a+b+c.
A circle is inscribed in a square with side length 2. Find the area within the square outside of the circle.
In a bag of marbles, of the marbles are blue and the rest are red. If the number of red marbles is doubled and the number of blue marbles stays the same, what fraction of the marbles will be red?
Find the smallest prime p such that there is no integer x such that x^2+1 is divisible by p.
pi is also known as ________'s constant.
Find 2sin^4(1)+2cos^4(1)+sin^2(2)
Let A, B, C be three points on a line in that order such that AB=2 and BC=3. A circle with radius 4 is drawn through A and B. Find the distance from C to the center of that circle.
How many ways can a student schedule 3 mathematics courses -- algebra, geometry, and number theory -- in a 6-period day if no two mathematics courses can be taken in consecutive periods? (What courses the student takes during the other 3 periods is of no concern here.)
For how many integers n, does 1+2+3...+n evenly divide 6n?
What base did the ancient Egyptians count by?
Let the roots (not necessarily real) of x^3-x^2+x-1=0 be a,b,c. Find a^2024+b^2024+c^2024
Right triangle has leg lengths
. Including
, how many line segments with integer length can be drawn from vertex
to a point on hypotenuse
Find the number of positive integers x less than 100 such that x^6-1 is divisible by 7
According to the Greeks, what is a perfect number?
A positive integer which it equals the sum of its proper factors.