What is repeated addition?
What is 8?
You baked a lot of Christmas cookies over the break and gave two each to 7 friends. This is how many cookies you gave away.
What are 14 cookies?
What is 10?
2, __, 6, 8, ___
What is 4 and 10?
A strategy I can use to solve multiplication problems using rows and columns
What is an array?
What is 36?
Your teacher asked you to help set up chairs for the school concert. She asked you to line up 4 rows of chairs with 9 rows each. This is how many chairs you set up.
What are 36 chairs?
What is 24?
300 x 1,000, 7,835, x 0 = _______
What is 0?
Another name for the answer to a multiplication problem
What is product?
What is 120?
You sold 8 necklaces for $20 each. This is how much money you made.
What is $160?
What is 400?
36, 32, 28, ____, 20
What is 24?
What are factors?
9x___ = 81
What is 9?
If one container contains 200 beads, this is how many beads you have in total if you have 7 containers.
What is 1400 beads?
What is 63?
What is 8?
Double Jeopardy
This is an example of what property 4x5=5x4
What is the Commutative Property?
What is 42,000?
Sally's mother bought 3 plane tickets for $500 each. Sally's mother spend this much money.
What is $1500?
What is 1,000?
10 x __ = 400
What is 40?