2 + 2
What is 4?
3 + 4
What is 7?
The number of tens in 42.
What is 4?
A quarter is worth _____________ .
What is 25 cents?
Fill in the blank:
10,20,30,___, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
4 + 4
What is 8?
Double Jeopardy!!!!
What is 4 + 5?
Condense this number:
30 + 8
Tell me what coins could make 28 cents.
What is: a quarter and 3 pennies?
two dimes, a nickel and 3 pennies?
one dime, three nickels and three pennies?
five nickels and three pennies?
28 pennies?
Add zero to any number. What do you get?
The same number!
What is 6 + 6?
What is 6 + 7?
Write 74 in expanded form.
70 + 4
60 + 10 + 4
50 + 20 + 4
and many more!
I have 3 coins that make up 15 cents. Tell me the coins that I have.
What is 3 nickels (5 cents each)?
Double Jeopardy!!!!!
Count forwards by 10, starting at 4.
What is 9 + 9?
8 + 9
What is 17?
The number in the hundreds place of:
I have 1 loonie, 3 quarters, a dime, a nickel, and 4 pennies. Tell me how much money I have.
$1.94 or 194 cents
The first month of the year.
What is January?
What is 20?
What is 10 + 11?
Draw this number using base ten blocks :
What is three flats, three rods and two units?
Show me how to make $2.68 or 268 cents.
Various answers. As long as they add up to $2.68 it would be correct.
If you are counting by 2's starting at 2, will you ever say the number 45?
No, it is an odd number. You would say 44 and 46, but not 45.