Patterns: Add/ Subtract

Joseph was asked by his PE teacher to help align cones. He was asked to align 10 rows containing 12 cones each. Joseph put down a total of...

What is 120 cones?


At 3:00 on a clock, the angle shown is....

What is a 90 degree angle/ right angle?


3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, ___

The number to continue this pattern is: 

What is 21?


Spencer attended a football game at 7:30 pm. If the game lasted 2 hours and 45 minutes, Spencer got to leave at...

What is 10:15 pm?


Tania's jump rope was 5 feet and 6 inches long. The total amount of inches her jump was is...

What is 66 inches?


Mrs. Elizabeth bought a total of 168 donuts for her class' "celebration party" to celebrate a job well done on their last test. The amount of dozens of donuts she bought was...

What is 14 dozen? 


Identify two types of quadrilaterals.

What is a rectangle, square, parallelogram, rhombus, or trapezoid (any of the two)?


11, 22, 33, 44, 55, ____

The number to come next in this pattern is:

What is 66?


Jack woke up at 6:30 am. It took him 30 minutes to take a bath and to brush his teeth. Then another 30 minutes to get dressed. Lastly, he took 20 minutes to eat breakfast. Jack finished his morning routine at...

What is 7:50 am?


Tyler and his dad brought 16 pints of water on their camping trip. They converted this into gallon jugs of water. They ended up bringing....

What is 2 gallons of water?


The magazine subscription rate is $18 per month. After one year, Justin ended up paying...

What is $216?


The number of faces on a triangular pyramid and a rectangular pyramid combined is...

What is 8?


In Science, Jessica's class learned that the diameter of Earth is 7,874 miles and the diameter of Jupiter is 88,000 miles. The difference between the two diameters is: 

What is 80,126 miles?


Lisa finished her afternoon jog at 4:50 pm. She began jogging at 3:00 pm, which means she jogged a total of:

What is 1 hour and 50 minutes?


Michelle bought drinks for her class party on Friday. She bought 2 gallons of orange juice, 2 gallons of raspberry tea, and 1 gallon of chocolate milk. In quarts, she ended up buying a total of...

What is 20 quarts?


Mr. Smith thought it'd be cool to give out his class of 30 students a set of pencils. He had 150 pencils, so each student got...

What is 5 pencils?


The angles on a trapezoid are...

What is 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles?


Michael and his dad played a stock market game. They started with 5,000 $. During the first week they made 2100 $. But on the second week, they lost 1,200 $. At the end of the second week, Michael and his father had a total of:

What is 5900$?


On Sunday, it was 82 degrees F at 12pm and by 5pm, it went down by 17 degrees F. By this time, the temperature was...

What is 65 degrees F?


The volume of a box that is 16 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 8 feet high is:

What is 1,792 cubic feet?


Jessie donated $12 to a charity. Melissa donated twice that much and Jenny donated half as much as Jessie. Altogether they donated a total of...

What is $42?


The total number of vertices on 3 hexagons and 2 octagons is...

What is 34?


During the playoffs, 20,339 fans attended the first game of a baseball team. On the second game, 4,000 more fans attended. And on the third game 10,000 more people attended. The total number of fans to attend the playoff games of this baseball team was...

What is 34,339?


Matthew recorded the temperature at 7:00 am to be 65 degrees F. By 12pm the temperature went up 18 degrees. And by 5pm, the temperature went down 33 degrees. At 5pm, the temperature was...

What is 50 degrees F?


The perimeter of a square rug is 108 feet. The length of each side of the rug is...

What is 27 feet?
