Acronym (or saying) we use to follow the order of operations
What is GEMDAS?
The last digit in the number is 0
What is divisible by 10?
Name ONE Divisor
What is 2?
The product of two positive numbers
What is a positive?
What is -2?
The meaning of GEMDAS
What is grouping symbol, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction?
The last digit in the number is even
What is divisible by 2?
Name ONE divisor
What is 3 or 6?
The quotient of a positive and a negative number
What is a negative?
-10 + -3
What is -13?
4 * 6 + 3
What is 3?
The sum of all the numbers is divisible by this number
Name ONE divisor
What is 5?
How to find the sign of a sum of difference
What is the bigger number?
-4 * -7
What is 28?
What is 21?
This rule has two parts: It is even and divisible by 3
What is 6?
Name ONE divisor that's NOT 2
What is 4?
The process to solving subtraction with integers
What is Keep Change Change?
-5 - -6
What is 1?