What is 70
Count by tens from 10 to 100
What is 10,20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100
Alex had 6 tubes of lipstick. Her friend brought her 8 more tubes. How many tubes of lipstick does she have in all?
What is 14 tubes of lipstick
I am greater than 50
I am less than 60
My digit in the ones place is 5
What number am I?
What is 55
What is 80
What is 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95
Hayleigh can do 16 burpies. Brantley can do 10 more than that. How many burpies can Brantley do?
What is 26 burpies
I am greater than 40
I am less than 50
The number in my ones place is higher than 8
What number am I?
What is 49
What is 97
What is 24, 34, 44
What is 46 Skittles
I am greater than 20
I am less than 30
The digit in my ones place is a 5
What number am I?
What is 25
What is 84
Count by tens from 38 to 98
What is 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 88, 98
Brantley scored 32 points in the basketball game. Hayleigh scored 40 more points than Brantley. How many points did Hayleigh score?
What is 72 points
I am greater than 100
I am less than 200
The digits in both my ones place and my tens place are 9
What number am I
What is 199