The answer to 4/5 times 1/2
What is 13/10 or 1 3/10
The answer to 41 divided by 30
What is 1 r 11
The answer to 34 times 21
What is 714
The answer to 572,068+10,000
What is 582,068
The answer to 433,276-100,000
What is 333,276
The answer to 7/12 times 8/16
What is 53/48 or 5 3/48
The answer to 80 divided by 30
What is 20 r 20
The answer to 434 times 21
What is 9,114
The answer to 49,998+69,998
What is 119,996
The answer to 589,898-475,675
What is 114,223
The answer to 56.289-45.08
What is 517.81
The answer to 71 divided by 50
What is 10 r 21
The answer to 431 times 12
What is 5,172
The answer to 123,456+1,669
What is 125,125
The answer to 197,899-52,140
What is 145,759
The answer to 13/20 times 13/5
What is 65/20 or 3 5/20
The answer to 643 divided by 80
What is 80 r 3
The answer to 743 times 295
What is 20,785
The answer to 987,004+567,891
What is 1,554,895
The answer to 89,265-56,728
What is 32,537
The answer to 599,876.98+423,567.72
What is 1,023,444.70
The answer to 42 divided by 8
What is 5 r 2
The answer to 4,208 times 606
What is 2,550,048
The answer to 1,589,750+5,890,345
What is 7,480,095
The answer to 5,815,944-9,198,429
What is 3,382,485