What is the value of the digit 7 in the number 67,312
What is 7,000
Answer the following in 1 minute:
5 x 6=
4 x 9=
8 x 6=
What is 30, 36, and 48
Complete the sentence below by comparing the 2 fractions:
1/2 _____ 3/4
What is 1/2 is less than 3/4
What do you call an angle that is less than 90 degrees?
What is an acute angle
How many inches are in a yard?
What is 36 inches
What is the value of the 5 in the number 523,410
What is 500,000
Answer the following in one minute:
12 x 11=
6 x 7=
11 x 10=
What is 132, 42, and 110
Simplify this fraction:
What is 1/4 or 3/12
I have two lines that never meet. What kind of lines do I have?
What is parallel lines
How many ounces are in 2 pounds?
What is 32 ounces
What happens to the value of a number as it moves to the left?
What is: It gets 10 times bigger
You have 1 minute to solve:
32 x 13
What is 416
What is 2/100
What do you call a line with 1 endpoint and from there it just keeps going?
What is a ray
What is 1,800 centimeters
What is the value of the 2 in .02
What is 2 hundredths
You have 1 minute to solve:
841 x 3=
What is 2,523
Complete the sentence by comparing the fractions below:
6/10 ____ 60/100
6/10 is equal to 60/100
Name a shape that is both a quadrilateral and has acute angles
What is a parallelogram, rhombus, or trapezoid
How many hours are in 300 min?
What is 5 hours
Makayla wrote down the number 781,341. Madison wrote down the number 183,704. How much bigger is the value of the 7 in Makayla's number?
What is 1,000 times bigger
You have 1 and a half minutes to solve:
What is the area of my bedroom window that measures 46 inches wide and 21 inches long?
What is 966 sq. inches
Which is greater?
.58 or 7 tenths
What is 7 tenths
Name 3 attributes of a pentagon
What is:
1. Has 1 line of symmetry
2. Has obtuse angles
3. Has acute angles
4. Has more than 4 sides
What is 4 yards