What is 4?
What is 24?
This acronym is used to remember the orders of operations.
What is PEMDAS?
What is Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally?
This axis is listed first in an ordered pair.
What is the axis?
0.5 in fraction form
what is 1/2?
What is 1 over 2?
What is 1?
What is 27?
The P in the orders of operations stands for this.
What is parentheses?
Exp: ()
This axis goes up to down.
What is Y axis?
2/6 simplified to its base vale.
What is 1/3?
What is 1 over 3?
The larger number in a Power
Exp: 21
What is Base?
What is Product?
What is 10?
The center of a coordinate plain.
What is origin?
What is (0,0)
1 and 1/2 as an improper fraction.
what is 3/2?
What is 3 over 2?
When finding the decimal Value of a fraction you must do this operation.
What is division?
You know when you x or ÷ first because of this rule.
What is from left to right?
The Ordered Pair to the Triangle.
What is (3,4)
what is 1 whole?
What is 625?
What is 3?
What is 20?
This quadrant is defined as a (-,-) ordered together.
What is IV?
What is 3rd Quadrant?
3/4 ÷ 2/5
what is 1 and 7/8?