What is 9 divided by 9 multiplied by 9 plus 9 minus 9?
What number am I thinking of?
What is the equation that relates distance and time?
Speed = Distance/Time
They are 4,000,000 ants in the jungle
If 2 ants meet in the jungle how many years later will they meet again?
They will die before a year passes
How many borders does lesotho have?
5x2 - 4x + 3 = 0
What is x?
A letter.
What is this?
A blue triangle
If a sample of uranium 235 splits into 2 nuclei each with equal mass numbers what is the result of the nuclear fission?
An explosion
If a plane crashes on a border of 2 countries where do you bury the survivors?
They are alive and well
Where is Kazakhstan?
The Earth
x2 - 1 = 0,
Find x
(1, -1)
How many shapes have 1 side?
What is the speed of light?
If I have 200 million dollars and I buy 2,000 hamburgers worth 10 dollars, 4,000 hotdogs worth 15 dollars and 600 ice cream cones worth 20 dollars. What do I have?
What does the O in O' Clock stand for?
Of the
What is this? Δ
A triangle
What is pi?
If an asteroid begins falling at 6m/s, 4 kilometres above the earth, what speed will it be when it hits the ground?
It will hit the earth not the ground
What is 1 + 1?
Find x
There it is!!!
∞ + (8 x 13/8) = 21
What is wrong with this equation?
The Eight has fallen over
What is inside a circle?
A circle
Johnny touches a_live wire of 3000V what happens to Johnny?
Nothing because a wire isnt alive
The day before two days after the day before tomorrow is Saturday. What day is it today?