What is 4+7 ?
what is 18-5 ?
what other type of math strategy can be used for solving multiplication problems?
repeated addition!
What is 25 divided by 5 ?
What is the position name of the second decimal point? for example 2.34 <--- the 4 is in the _________ position?
What is 20 + 40 ?
How can you use a number line to show 15 - 5 ?
Jump backwards on a number line starting at 15 and down to 5
what is 4 x 4 ?
how can you show 25 divided by 5 as a multiplication problem?
5 x ? = 25
what is the decimal value for 50%?
How can you skip count to the number 20? how is that the same as adding?
counting by 2's, 4's, 5's, 10's
skip counting is like repeated addition!
what is 75 - 25 and how might you use money concepts to solve the problem quickly?
50! I know 75 cents is 3 quarters and each quarter is 25 cents so if I take away one, then I'm left with 50 cents
what is 10 x 40 ?
What strategy can I use to solve 1 divided by 5?
I can turn the 1 into a decimal number and make it 1.00!
what is the first decimal position called?
a tenth!
what is 1234 + 2345 ?
what is 28-23?
What is 12 x 4 ?
What is 90 divded by 30?
What happens when I multiply 0.02 by 10?
the decimal point moves over one space!