Here is the number: 344,458
What number is in the hundred thousand place?
What is 300,000?
What are the three forms?
What are standard form, word form, and expanded form?
Round this number to the nearest ten.
What is 462,780?
Order these numbers from least to greatest.
233,455, 234,770, 222,936, 221,988
What are 221,988, 222,936, 233,455, 234,770?
Katlynn is thinking of a 5-digit number.
The number is even, and it has the numbers 2,5,7,4, and 6 in it. This number is the biggest number we can make out of these numbers.
What number is Katlynn thinking about?
What is 76,542?
Ann is thinking of a 4-digit number.
The number is odd, and it has the numbers 5 and 2. This number is the smallest number you can make out of these numbers.
What number is Ann thinking of?
What is 2,225?
Write this number in standard form:
seventy-five thousand five hundred sixty-four.
What is 75,564?
Round this number to the nearest ten thousand:
What is 540,000?
Order these numbers from least to greatest:
444,444, 444,665, 444,365, 444,977
What are 444,365, 444,444, 444,665, 444,977?
How do you round?
What is; you look to the right of the number you're rounding to and then round up if the number is between 5-9, but round down if the number is between 1-4?
Which 'place' is the 6 in this number:
What is the ones place?
What is standard form?
What is standard form is the number form?
Ex. 234,556 = 234,567
Round this number to the nearest hundred.
What is 774,900?
Which number is greater?
855,778 or 855,807
What is 855,807
Order these numbers from greatest to least.
456,789, 456,987, 456,231, 456,999
What are 456,999, 456,987, 456,789, 456,231?
Chloe is thinking of a 6-digit number.
The number is even, and it has the numbers 9,3,4, and 2 in it. this number is the biggest number you can make with these numbers.
What number is Chloe thinking of?
What is 994,432?
What is word form?
What is word form is the number in words?
Ex.234,567=two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven
Round this number to the nearest hundred thousand.
What is 100,000?
which number is greater?
111,110 or 111,100
What is 111,110?
Write this number in expanded form:
What is 300,000+30,000+4,000+500+60+7
Ruby is thinking of a 6-digit number.
The number is even, and it has the numbers 1, 7,5, and 4. This number is ALMOST the biggest number you can make out of these numbers.
What number is Ruby thinking of?
What is 775,514?
What is expanded form?
What is expanded form is the number but in addition form?
Ex. 234,567=200,000+30,000+4,000+500+60+7
Round to the nearest hundred thousand:
What is 1,000,000?
Order these numbers from greatest to least
123,455, 123,456, 123,046, 123,445
What are 123,046, 123,445, 123,455, 123,456?
Write this number in expanded, standard, and word form:
What is
two million nine hundred twenty thousand thirty-seven