L x W
What is area of a rectangle
23.654 the 5 is in what placement
What is the hundredths place.
What is 25.
A triangle with all sides equal is an __________ triangle.
What is equalateral.
How many centimeters in a meter?
What is 100
2 (pi) r
What is circumference of a circle
In 839.902 the 8 is in what place.
What is hundreds.
What is 25,780
What is equal/ equivalent.
How many inches in yard?
What is 36
1/2 B x H
What is area of a triangle
Which is larger 3/4 or 2/3.
What is 3/4
If two lines are perpendicular they form a ____ angle.
What is 90 degrees or right angle.
1/2 is the ___________ of 2/1
What is reciprocal.
How may feet in a mile?
What is 5280
Area of a circle
A triangle with at least 2 sides congruent.
What is an isosceles triangle.
The sum of interior angles in a triangle is ______ degrees.
What is 180 degrees
To measure the distance around a polygon is called the ________.
What is perimeter
How may millimeters are in a meter
What is 1000.
a2 + b2 = c2
What is Pythagorean theorem
What are parallel lines
A square has 6-inch side. What is the perimeter of the square.
What is 24 inches.
Twelve is the ___________ of 2 x 6.
What is product.
How many meters in a kilometer?
What is 1000.