What shape has four equal sides and four corners?
A square
Mason has six marbles. A friend gives him 5 more. How many marbles does Mason have now?
11 marbles
Count by 2s: 2, 4, 6, __, __.
Find the next two numbers!
8 & 10
8 candles.
How many minutes are in one hour?
60 minutes
How many sides does a triangle have?
12 - 4 = ?
What comes next in the pattern? 10, 25, 40, __, __, __.
Find the next three numbers!
55, 70, & 85
4 x 4 = ?
If it is 3:00 PM now, what time will it be in 2 hours?
5 PM
What is the name of a shape with 5 sides?
23 + 15 = ?
What is the 5th number if you count by 5s starting at 5?
Olivia has 3 bags with 6 cookies in each bag. How many cookies does she have in total?
18 cookies
Today is Friday. What day will it be in three days from now?
A rectangle has a length of 6 inches and a width of 3 inches. What is its perimeter?
(hint: Perimeter = (2 x Length) + (2 x Width)
18 inches
Miss Kopels baked 36 brownies. She gave away 12 during the school day. How many does she have by the end of the day?
24 brownies
A pattern follows: 3, 9, 15, 21, __, __, __, __.
What are the next four numbers?
27, 33, 39, & 45.
A soccer team has 11 players. If there are 3 teams at a tournament, how many players in total?
33 players
Gisselle started watching a movie at 7:30 PM. If the movie lasts for two hours, what time will it be when she's done watching it?
9:30 PM
How many faces does a cube have?
Emily ate 8 pieces of candy from a bag of 25. How many pieces does she have left?
17 pieces
I am thinking of a number. If you skip count by 12s starting at 18, my number is the 5th one. What is it?
Arjun is walking in the park. He stops at the pond and sees 7 lily pads with 3 frogs on each lily pad. How many frogs does he see?
21 frogs
Mrs. Chapman finishes tutoring at 4:30 PM. If she has a 30 minute drive home, what time will she be home at?
(hint: one hour is 60 minutes)
5:00 PM