Solve 364 x 23
What is 8,372
Add these decimals together 1.23 + 2.11
What is 3.34
Divide: 4 / 56
What is 14
Add: 789+346
What is 1,135
Kaylee has 344 dollars. She want to split her money with 4 friends. How many dollars will each friend get?
What is 86
Solve 453 x 43
What is 19,479
Add these decimals together 3.42 + 0.63
What is 4.05
Divide: 3 / 300
What is 100
Subtract: 878 + 787
What is 1,665
Solve 653 x 22
What is 14,366
Add these decimals together 0.56 +0.75
What is 1.31
Divide: 88 / 4
What is 22
Add: 7,658 + 2,675
What is 10,333
Solve: 99 x 32
What is 3,168
Solve 764 x 54
What is 41,256
Add these decimals together 2.95 + 4.36
What is 7.31
Divide: 76 / 19
What is 4
Subtract: 115,000 - 8,000
What is 107,000
Work out this problem 10 x 4 +15 - 35 =?
What is 20
Solve 879 x 65
What is 57,135
Add these decimals together 9.67 + 5.32
What is 14.99
Divide: 541 / 4
What is 135.25
Add: 993,528 + 5,345
What is 998,873
Subtract these decimals: 17.36 - 9.23
What is 8.13