Convert 235,600,000,000 to Scientific Notation.
What is 2.356x1011?
The formula for exponential growth
What is p(1+r)t?
What is x16y12?
Definition of a right triangle.
What is a triangle with a right angle?
Convert 6.539x109 to Standard Notation.
What is 6,539,000,000?
The difference between linear and exponential growth.
What is changing rates at different paces?
What is r15?
The three main types of triangles.
What is equilateral, scalene, and isosceles?
Convert 7.8356x10-8 to Standard Notation.
What is 0.000000078356?
Bob Builder bought a Toyota truck in 1983 for $35,984. 1983 Toyota trucks appreciates in value at a rate of 21.9% per year. How much is the car worth in 2006?
What is $3421327.65?
What is r-3?
Detemine the area of the triangle enclosed by the lines y = -4, x = 1 and y = -2x + 8:
What are 25 square units?
Is this scientific notation?
What is no?
Mary Mozzarella has lung cancer and the cancer cells appreciate at a rate of 5.32% every week. It has been 84 days since she got diagnosed with lung cancer and had 23 cancer cells. How many cancer cells does she have now?
What is 42.84 cancer cells?
What is 1?
Defenition of the Pythagorean theorem.
What is the area of the triangle whose side is the hypotenuse?
What is 516?
Is this scientific notation: 3.45x105?
What is yes?
Johnny bought a Samsung TV in 2006 for 554,738. It decreases by 6.9% each year. How much is it worth now?
What is 218994.78?
h12x h32
What is h44?
Define hypotenuse.
What is the longest side of a right triangle?