The top number in a fraction.
What is a numerator?
The equivalent of 1/2 (in decimals).
What is 0.5?
when you multiply the same number.
what is doubling.
to reduce a fraction what must both have
what is a common denominator
the way we used to teach it
what is the standard method
The bottom number in a fraction.
What is a denominator?
The third place after the decimal
what is a thousandth?
to solve a multiplication problem with a chart.
what is area model.
reduce 10/20
what is 1/2
dividing bigger numbers
what is long division?
When two fractions have the same denominator.
What is a common denominator?
The first place after the decimal
what is a tenth
you are using addition to solve a multiplication problem.
what is repeated addition.
reduce 2/8
what is 1/4
50 divided equally into 2 parts.
what is 25?