Jeff is (w plus 3) years old. Mr. Chang is 2 times older than Jeff. Jonah is w less older than Mr. Chang.
Who is the oldest?
Who is Mr. Chang
12904 + 123
What is 13027
110 divided by 11
What is 10
12 x 12
What is 144
1/2 x 6/9
What is 6/18
Miles throws the football 35 yards. Michael throws the football 45 yards. What is the difference between the two throws?
What is 10 yards
99999 + 75381
What is 175380
2540 divided by 20
What is 127
40 x 10
!!Double Jeopardy!!
Select the two equivalent fractions!
A. 8/27 B. 2/9 C. 200/900
What is B and C
Jenna records the amount of snow that is snowing this winter. It snows 1 inch on Monday, snows 3 1/2 inches on Tuesday, and snows 2 3/4 inches on Wednesday. In all, how many inches does it snow?
What is 7 and 1/4 inches
22879 - 9999
What is 12880
18274530 divided by 10
What is 1827453
123456789 x 100
What is 12345678900
Katie has 2/4 bag of sugar. She also has 6/8 bag of brown sugar. Which sugar does she has more of?
What is brown sugar
Margaret wants to have a vacation. She is going to bring her husband, her daughter and her two twin sons. The vacation cost $2,000 for each person. Plus the plane ticket cost $163 for each person. How much does the whole vacation cost?
(Remember: The plane has to fly two times to get Margaret’s family home.)
What is $11630
30 1/2 - 17 50/200
What is 13 1/4
1886 divided by 2
2020 divided by 10
What is 202
120 divided 1/4
What is 480
Josh buys a Mega Fountain Drink for himself that costs $4. Josh’s friend buys a Medium Fountain Drink which costs $2.50. Josh also buys a small fountain drink for his mom, which costs $1.25. Josh gets a pack of gum for $0.75 and they leave.
How much money did Josh and his friend spend?
What is $8.50
!!!!STEAL!!!! If you get this question correct, you can steal 1/2 of the one if the other team's points!
Ella and Kate are sisters and work for the same bakery. Ella makes $1500 per 3 weeks. Kate makes $1200 per 3 weeks. How much money will they have if they save for 9 more weeks, and if they combine their money?
What is $8100
!!Double Jeopardy!!
Which one is correct?
A. 112 divided by 14 = 8 B. 345 divided by 9
Spencer eat 2 hot dogs on Sunday. He eat the same amount off hot dogs for the rest of the week. How many did he eat?
What is 14 hot dogs
A class was given a spelling test. ¾ of the students finished. Of the students who completed the test, ⅓ of them are boys. Of the students who did not finish the test, 3/16 were girls. What fraction of the class were girls?
What is 11/16