do the Ratio in 3 ways
what is the Ratio of 10 cars to 3 trucks
words: 3 to 10
Ratio: 3 : 10
Fraction 3/10
if you got it right stand up and do any kind of dance you want๐
true or false 10/3 is 3
good job if you said it was true you are absolutely right high five you partner because you 2 got it rightโโ
true or false is 21+21=41
that is false 21+21 is 42
Round up to the nearest tenth
if you said 0.17 then your right
does 21 like 21
no 21 likes 42
do the Ratio in 3 ways
Ratio of 35 balls to 78 strikes is ??
words:35 to 78
Ratio: 35:75
what is 15/5
15/5 is 3 good job if you got it right
what is 10x100
if you guessed 200 then your right good jop
7 728.122
what place value is the 2 in
hmm keep thinking
if you said 10 then your right high five your partner๐
why do you think 20 does't like 15
because 20 is older
true or false 30 to 65 3 to 60
if you said true then your right good job air fist bump to you๐
is 10/10 or 50/10 1
looks like 10/10 is 1 if you and your partner got it right then give them a fist bump๐ค๐ค
true or false is 502x53??
The answer is 555
4 352. 427
what place value is the 2 in
the 2 is in the ones place value good job๐
why where there 2 more cupcakes left
because they were eating the 2 that they made because they made 4
cupcakes to cake
do the Ratio in 3 ways
words: 9 to 7
ratio: 9 : 7
fraction: 9/7
if you got it right you get a air cupcake๐งgood job
what do you think 100/20
if you said 5 then your right good job
true or false 100x7000 is 1750
if you said true then sadly you're wrong it's ok practise makes perfect
1 713.688
what place value is the 8 inโ
if you said thousand then your right air high five to youโ
why did the 8 said I wont where that
because ain't know why I'm wearing that
burgers to fries
words:6 to 6
ratio:6 : 6
you get a air burger๐
this is a tricky one if you have 5000 candys and you have 1 friend how much will your friend get
you probably think its all of it but he will get 4999 because the person who will give the candy to the person is going to get one too but if you got that one then good job because it was tricky air high five to youโ
what do you think 9000-50 is??
if you guessed 8500 then your right if you got it wrong it ok just try harder next time
true or false
8 214.326
is the 2 ones
that is false if you got it right good job air fist bump too you๐
the liver in your heart said I am one of you
no I am 2