Statistics & Probability
Consists of sums and/or products of numbers and variables.
What is an algebraic expression?
3m=12. Solve for m.
What is m=4?
Linear function, quadratic function, and exponential function.
What are the three types of functions?
An open sentence that contains <,>,≤,≥.
What is an inequality?
Also called an "arrangement number" or "order," it is the rearrangement of the elements of an ordered list into a one-to-one correspondence with itself.
What is a permutation?
State the following as a mathematical expression: the product of 8 and the number m.
What is 8m?
Translate the sentence into an equation: Thirty-two divided by y is equal to the product of three and y minus four.
What is 32/y=3y-4?
Find the axis of symmetry, vertex, and intercepts for the following quadratic function: x^2-x-12
Axis of Symmetry: x=0.5 Vertex: (0.5, -12.25) Intercepts: (0,-12), (-3,0), and (4,0).
What is y≤-6?
Student council is planning a party for the school volunteers. There are five 66-ounce unopened bottles of soda left from a recent dance. When poured over ice, 5.5 ounces of soda fills a cup. How many servings of soda do they have?
What is 60?
An electrician charges $45 per hour and spends $20 a day on gasoline. State an algebraic expression to represent his earnings for one day.
What is 45x-20?
Pilar bought 17 items for her camping trip, including tent stakes, packets of drink mix, and bottles of water. She bought 3 times as many packets of drink mix as tent stakes. She also bought 2 more bottles of water than tent stakes. Solve an equation to discover how many tent stakes she bought.
What is 3 tent stakes?
Your brother tells you a secret. You see no harm in telling two friends. After this second "passing" of the secret, 4 people now know the secret (your brother, you and two friends). If each of these friends now tells two new people, after the third "passing" of the secret, eight people will know. If this pattern of spreading the secret continues, how many people will know the secret after 10 such "passings"?
What is 1024 people?
4(3t-5)+7 ≥ 8t+3
What is t ≥ 4?
A box of chocolates contains 10 milk chocolates, 8 dark chocolates, and 6 white chocolates. Shangsai randomly chooses a chocolate, eats it, and then randomly chooses another. What is the probability that Shangsai chose a milk chocolate and then a white chocolate?
What is 11%?
State the following as a mathematical expression: 1235 decreased by 4 times a number a and divided by a number x.
What is 1235-4a/x?
The sum of three consecutive odd integers is -51. State and solve an equation to find the three numbers.
What is n+(n+2)+(n+4)=-51. n=-19. (-19), (-17), (-15)?
A company receives $45 for each unit of output sold. It has a variable cost of $25 per item and a fixed cost of $1600. What is its profit if it sells (a) 75 items, (b) 150 items, and (c) 200 items?
A: -100 (loss, no profit) B: 1400 C: 2400
The recommended air pressure for the tires of a mountain bike is at least 35 pounds per square inch (psi), but no more than 80 pounds per square inch. If a bike's tires have 24 pounds psi, what is the recommended range of air that should be put into the tires?
What is 11 psi ≤ x ≤ 56 psi?
There are fourteen juniors and twenty-three seniors in the Service Club. The club is to send four representatives to the State Conference. a.) How many different ways are there to select a group of four students to attend the conference? b.) If the members of the club decide to send two juniors and two seniors, how many different groupings are possible?
(a) 66,045 (b) 23,023
State the following as a mathematical expression: 176 multiplied by 2 times a number n and increased by 476 divided by n.
What is (2n x 176) + 476/n?
A company that replicates DVDs spends $1500 per day in building overhead plus $0.80 per DVD in supplies and labor. If the DVDs sell for $1.59 per disk, how many DVDs must the company sell each day before it makes a profit? State and solve an equation.
What is 1500+0.80x=1.59x, 1899≈x?
A culture of bacteria triples every 8 hours. (a) If there are 100 bacteria now, how many will there be after 18 hours? (b) Find the bacteria population 2 hours earlier.
(a) 1184 bacteria. (b) 75-76 bacteria.
Determine which of the ordered pairs are part of the solution set for each inequality: 5x+7y≥10; {(-2,-2), (1,-1), (1,1), (2,5), (6,0)}
What is (1,1), (2,5), (6,0)?
In a certain country, the car number plate is formed by 4 digits from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 followed by 3 letters from the alphabet. How many number plates can be formed if neither the digits nor the letters are repeated?
What is 47,174,400?