486,753,467 + 513,233,401
What is 999,986,868?
1 - 0.2816
What is 0.7184?
Convert the improper fraction to a mixed or whole number:
200 over 55
What is 3 7/11?
For a field trip, 8 teachers were assigned to 100 girls and 10 teachers were assigned to 100 boys.
Find the ratio of students to teachers.
What is 100:9 Or 100 to 9 or 100/9?
Convert the percent to a decimal and a fraction.
What is 0.25 and 1/4?
620,000,000 - 53,197,531
What is 566,802,469?
Round to the nearest hundredth:
What is 5,821.47?
9/16 + 1/2
What is 1 1/16?
Solve for N:
5 over 20 = 15 over N
What is 60?
400% of ____=72
What is 18?
964 x 593
What is 571,652?
130.06 x 3.7
What is 481.222?
5 1/2 - 3 2/3
What is 1 5/6?
What is the ratio between a tree trunk whose circumference is 92 inches and a branch stemming from it whose circumference is 46 inches?
A. 5:4
B. 4:3
C. 3:2
D. 2:1
What is D. 2:1?
65 is 5% of what number?
What is 1300?
264,076 by 214
What is 1,234?
Divide and round to the nearest hundredth.
50.2 by 0.12
What is 418.33?
10 6/9 x 12 6/12
What is 133 1/3?
Five people consume three pounds of food at a party. How many pounds of food should be ordered to feed a party of twenty people?
A. 10 lbs
B. 12 lbs.
C. 33 1/3 lbs.
What is B. 12 lbs?
The Dallas Cowboys won 12 out of 16 games they played during the season. What percent of the games did they lose?
A. 25%
B. 75%
C. 15%
What is A. 25%?
George assembled 1022 circuits in an 8 hour shift. Rowland assembled 905 circuits in 7 hours. Which worker is faster?
What is Rowland?
Convert the decimal to a fraction and a percent.
What is 1 1/2 and 150%?
3 5/9 by 2 5/18
What is 1 23/41?
On average, 3/20 of all FSPC students do not succeed at their first ASVAB attempt. In a class of 30, about about how many should be expected to pass?
a. About 6
b. 5
c. About 26
d. 25
What is C. about 26?
At the dealership, a car is priced at $20,000. The dealership is going to make a $4,000 profit. What was the percent of markup on the car?
A. 20%
B. 25%
C. 16%
What is B. 25%?