The strategy that uses addition for multiplication
What is repeated addition
A keyword in an addition word problem
What is ____
What is 43
The method used to solve word problems
What is TINS
A part of a whole
What is a fraction
&x4 as repeated addition
What is 8+8+8+8
The answer to 49+97=246
What is false
The answer in a subtraction problem
What is the difference
Sami has 10 strikes and Rami has 2 strikes. How many more strikes does Sami have than Rami? The keyword for our thought is
What is "how many more"
The number in the top of the fraction
What is the numerator
What is the answer in a multiplication problem
What is a product
A DIFFERENT keyword in an addition word problem
What is_______
The keyword to tell us we need to subtract in a word problem
What is____
Ms. Murray has $20 and Ms. Mylene has $30 dollars to spend on lunch. Ms. Luisa has $5 to go get coffee. How much money do Ms. Mylene and Ms. Murray have in all? The piece of information I do not need.
What is Ms. Luisa has $5 for coffee.
What is 9/12
The array for 9x8
What is 81
What is 173
Ms. Mylene drinks 42 mini glasses of water and Ms. Songul drinks 19 mini glasses waters. Ms. Luisa eats 4 apples. How many more waters did Ms. Mylene drink than Ms. Songul?
What is 23 more waters.
Ms. Songul walks home 5 days a week for lunch. It takes her 3 minutes to walk home. How many minutes each week does she spend walking home? The type of problem we are solving is
What is a multiplication problem
When we have to borrow from the tens place
What is the regrouping
Four strategies for solving multiplication problems
What are repeated addition, drawing a picture(groups), skip counting, and arrays.
Ms. Murray spends $69 on shoes and $97 on clothes. She went to the grocery store and spent another $46 on food. How much did she spend on shopping in fashion items?
What is $166.
The answer to 301-149
What is 152
Matthew spends $6 at the bowling alley each time they go. He goes bowlings 3 times in a month. How much money does he spend a month bowling? The answer is
What is $18 dollars
The first place we start in an addition or subtraction place
What is the ones place