1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade

Jane has 9 balloons. 6 are green and the rest are blue. How many balloon are blue?

In your class today, only 18 out of the 26 students were at school. How many were absent?



Ashton had two boxes of pencils with fourteen pencils in each box. He gave six pencils to his brother. How many pencils did Ashton have left?

22 pencils


Your class had a pizza party. 3/8 of one pizza was left over, and 4/8 of another pizza was left over. You put them both into one box. How much pizza do you have altogether? 



A company donates 935 pencils to a school. The pencils are divided evenly among 9 classrooms. The rest of the pencils are given to the library. How many pencils were donated to each classroom and to the library?

Each classroom received 103 pencils, and the library received 8.


I saw 2 cats and 1 dog. How many legs did I see?



Devon has 76 cents. Each beach ball costs 35 cents. If he buys two beach balls, how much change will he get back?

6 cents 


Patty and Carl went to the movies. Patty bought the two movie tickets for $7.35. Carl bought two buckets of popcorn for $5.60 each. How much more money did Patty spend than Carl?



Jennie makes quilts. She can make 7 quilts with 21 yards of material. How many yards of material would be required to make 12 quilts?

36 yards


Manny owns 83 sets of basketball cards. Each set has exactly 504 cards. What is the total number of basketball cards Manny owns?

He owns 41,832 cards.


I have 4 sides all the same size and I have 4 corners. What am I?



Shelby makes 83 snowflakes. Her friend Lauren makes 47 snowflakes. How many more snowflakes did Shelby make than Lauren?

36 snowflakes 


Fernando is buying several boxes of cookies for a birthday party. There are 9 cookies in each box. If Fernando brings 7 boxes to the party, how many cookies is he bringing?

63 cookies


DJ is making pasta sauce. If he adds 4.5 ounces of tomato sauce, 2.5 ounces of garlic, and 1.2 ounces of peppers into a pot, how many total ounces are in the pot?

8.2 ounces


Ginny paid $4.16 for a sandwich. She paid $0.95 for a piece of fruit. What is the total amount Ginny paid for the sandwich and fruit?

She paid $5.11.


Beth has 13 flowers in her garden. Kate has 8. How many more flowers does Beth have than Kate?



Zach is going camping with his friends this weekend. They are bringing 24 bottles of water, 6 small bottles of apple juice and 14 orange juice. How many drinks will they have in all?

44 bottles


Sam has 32 socks which he puts into pairs. How many pairs of socks can he make?

16 pairs


There are 19.3 cups of cocoa powder in a container. Julia is following a brownie recipe that calls for 3.1 cups of sugar, 2.9 cups of cocoa powder, and 6.3 cups of walnuts. How many cups of cocoa powder are left in the container after Julia bakes her brownies?

16.4 cups 


6 of the classes at your school are going to the pool for a swimming party. That means 125 students need to get on buses and each bus hold 48 students. How many buses will the school need?

3 buses


Jen and Max want to sell 17 cups of hot cocoa. They sold 8 cups. How many more do they need to sell?



Matt has four quarters, two dimes, two nickels, and five pennies. How much money does Matt have?



Caroline baked 93 cookies to sell at her bakery. She plans on taking home whatever cookies she doesn't sell. If she sold 77 cookies, how many cookies will she be taking home?

16 cookies 


On Wednesday at doctor called in sick. The two nurses and Jay called 36 patients to reschedule their appointments. How many calls did each make?



Your mom bought you a 1 year swimming pass for $390. She’s making 12 payments of how much money to pay for the pass?

