When you enter our Google Classroom, which tab do you click to see the daily posts?
What is the stream?
If you're absent, where can you find what we did in class that day?
What is click the post with the date you were absent on Google Classroom?
Why will you typically have more than one day to complete Big Ideas homework assignments?
What is to ask for help on problems that are difficult?
Where can you find what materials you need in class?
The daily agenda slide - Tandle
The whiteboard - Philip
If you're absent, where can you find what we did in class that day?
What is click the post with the date you were absent on Google Classroom
On Big Ideas, what should you click if you're working on an assignment, but you're not finished yet and have to come back to it later?
What is save and exit?
Where can you find the due date for homework assignments?
What is...
1. On Big Ideas
2. In the daily posts on Google Classroom
3. On the whiteboard in our classroom
Where do you submit worksheets/tests for Math class?
Your core's turn-in bin
Uh oh. You forgot to write the homework down! Where can you see what the homework is every day?
What is on Google Classroom?
True or False: There is a calculator inside the Big Ideas assignments?
What is true?
Should you check your answer on the homework problems by clicking "check"?
What is yes?
What is our daily routine when you walk into math class every day?
1. Put your phone in the cubby
2. Sit in your assigned seat
3. Look at the white board and write down your homework
4. Take out the materials that you will need
I missed something important today when taking notes in class. Where can I see the completed notes from class today?
What is in the daily posts on Google Classroom?
How do you turn in a Big Ideas homework assignment?
What is press "submit" on Big Ideas?
What should you do if you've tried a homework problem 2-3 times and still can't figure it out?
What is email a teacher, ask a parent, or come in for help?