what is the additive inverse of 8 ?
what is the definition of rational numbers
written as a fraction 0 is not in denominator .
what is the absolute value of 10
what is associative property of addition
you can add or multiply no matter how the numbers are grouped. By grouped we mean how you use parenthesis.
what is the additive inverse of -2.25?
what is the definition of profit ?
each product has a certain cost , The product is sold at a price which is higher than the cost price,
what is the absolute value of -3
what is commutative property of addition
you can move the numbers around and still get the same answer (the order of the numbers does not matter)
what is the additive inverse of 5
what is the definition of loss?
The sale price is lower than the cost.
what is the absolute value of 0
What is the inverse property of addition?
The inverse property of addition is a number and its opposite added to get zero (Additive Inverse)
what is the additive inverse of 10
what is the definition of income?
money received, especially on a regular basis, through investments.
what is the absolute value of 10,000,000
What is the distributive property?
The distributive property is when you multiply a sum by each addend seperatly and then add the products together
what is the additive inverse of 0
what is the definition of inverse
its the opposite of a number
inverse of 4 is -4
what is the absolute value of 858
what is identity property of addition
The additive identity is zero. The identity property of addition simply states that when you add zero to any number, it equals the number itself.