Name That Property!
Word Play
Properties, Symbols and Operations
Book Definitions
Can You Solve It?
It is the Property demonstrated by this equation: 6 x 8 = 8 x 6
What is the Commutative Property?
It is the property with the name that makes you think about a teacher doing the same thing for one side of the class as he or she does for the other side of the class.
What is Property of Equality?
With this property you use the number 0 with the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols, and you use the number 1 with the times (x) and divide (÷) symbols.
What is Property of Identity?
-The way that three numbers are grouped when adding does not change the sum. -The way that three numbers are grouped when multiplying does not change the product
What is the Associative Property?
Solve the problem and name the Property you used: 1 x 1,398,610
What is 1,398,610? What is Property of Identity?
It is the Property demonstrated by this equation: (2 x 3) x 4 = 2 x (3 x 4)
What is the Associative Property?
It is the property with the name that makes you think about a teacher handing out papers to each of the students in the classroom.
What is the Distributive Property?
With this property you use parentheses as the times (x) symbol and then you use either the plus (+) symbol or the minus (-) symbol.
What is the Distributive Property?
-The sum of a number and zero (0) is the number. -The difference of a number and zero (0) is the number. -The product of a number and one (1) is the number. -The quotient of a number and one (1) is the number
What is the Property of Identity?
Solve both problems and name the Property you used: 67 + 32 = ____; 32 + 67 = ____
What is 99? What is 99? What is the Commutative Property?
It is the Property demonstrated by these equations: 4 + 0 = 4 5 x 1 = 5
What is the Identity Property?
It is the property with the name that makes you think about always remaining just who you are.
What is the Identity Property?
With this property you may use only the plus (+) and times (x) symbols.
What is the Commutative (or Associative) Property?
-When multiplying a number (a) by the sum of two numbers in parentheses (b+c), the result is: a(b+c) = ab + ac.
What is the Distributive Property?
Solve both problems and name the Property you used: 4 x (8 x 2) = ____; (4 x 8) x 2 = ____
What is 64? What is 64? What is the Associative Property?
It is the Property demonstrated by these equations: 5(3 + 5) = 5(8) = 40 AND 5(3 + 5) = 5(3) + 5(5) = 15 + 25 = 40
What is the Distributive Property?
It is the property with the name that makes you think about traveling to and from work each day.
What is the Commutative Property?
With this property you may use any of the operation symbols ( +, -, x, ÷ ).
What is the Property of Equality OR What is the Property of Identity?
-The order in which two numbers are added does not change the sum. -The order in which two numbers are multiplied does not change the product.
What is the Commutative Property?
Solve the problem and name the Property you used: 15n = 90 n = ____
What is n = 6? What is the Property of Equality?
It is the Property demonstrated by the steps used to solve this equation: X + 3 = 6 Original Equation: X + 3 = 6 Step 1: -3 = -3 Step 2: X + 0 = 3 Step 3: X = 3
What is the Property of Equality?
It is the property with the name that makes you think about the advice your mother gives you to be careful about the friends you "hang out" with.
What is the Associative Property?
This is the other property where you may use only the plus (+) and times (x) symbols.
What is the Associative (or Commutative) Property? (Whichever has not been used yet.)
-The two sides of an equation, separated by the equal sign (=), remain equal when: each side has the same number added to it or subtracted from it, OR when each side is multiplied by or divided by the same number.
What is Property of Equality?
Solve the problem and name the Property you used: 3(5x + 4) = ____
What is 15x + 12? What is the Distributive Property?