what are the steps when doing long division in order
Divide Multiply Subtract Bring down
what is 9 x 19
64.8 what place-value is the 8 in this number
how do you turn a mixed number into an improper fraction?
you multiply the bottom number with the whole number then whatever number it makes you add it to your top number and the bottom number STAYS THE SAME
the ratio of bananas to apples is 2:5
there are 15 apples
how many bananas are there?
there are 6 bananas
what is 674 divided by 6
what is 7 x 68
4,854.39 what place value is the number"9" in?
hundreths place
type the ratio in words,the ratio, and the fraction
12:5(fraction expressed as"/" ex. 5/8)
12 to 5 12:5 12/5
what is the place value of the number"4"? 2,763.654
thousanths place
what is 5647 divided by 7
806 R5
what is 675 x 12
what is 5.23 + 3.57=?
what is 4 over 10 + 7 over 10?
1 and 1 tenth
what is 13 x 276
what is 8 divided by 2763
345 R3
what is 54 x 654
what is 5.674 - 4.564
the ratio of zebras to tigers is 23:31 there are 62 tigers how many zebras are there?
46 zebras
what is 9 divided by 734
81 R5
what is 9 divided by 32623
3624 R7
what is 128 x 4398
what place value is the number "7" in? 532,432.3347?
ten thousanths
turn 5 whole and 3 5ths into a improper fraction
28 over 5
32 x 43 + 73 - 54? multiply addition subtract order