57 x 6
603 divided by 3
List all the factors of 12
Hint* Numbers you can multiply together to get 12.
Enumera todos los factores de 12
Sugerencia* factor arcoiris
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
100 x 10=
How many degrees are in a right angle?
90 degrees
True or False
1/2 < 1/3
Verdadero o falso
1/2 = 3/6
1/3 = 2/6
3/6 is greater than 2/6. 3/6 es mayor que 2/6
/ Falso
22 x 33
598 divided by 3
199 R1
Jon put a pie in the oven at 5:15 P.M. He took the pie out of the oven 35 minutes later. At what time did Jon take the pie out of the oven?
Jon puso un pastel en el horno a las 5:15 p.m. Sacó la tarta del horno 35 minutos después. ¿A qué hora sacó Jon el pastel del horno?
5:50 P.M.
200 x 20 =
What is an angle less than 90 degrees?
An acute angle.
Place in order from least to greatest
8/7 1/3 4/5
Colocar en orden de menor a mayor
1/3 4/5 8/7
735 x5
750 divided by 6 is...
What is the value of the number 6 in the following number 465,789?
¿Cuál es el valor del número 6 en el siguiente número, 56,789?
50 x 3,000 =
What is an angle greater than 90 degrees?
An obtuse angle.
If the fraction 3/7 was the sum, what would be the two fractions to add together to equal 3/7?
¿Cómo se puede escribir la fracción 3/7 como suma de dos fracciones?
2/7 + 1/7
45 x 82
2,898 divided 9
List five multiples of 6.
*HINT - Multiples can be considered the products.
6, 12, 18, 24, 30
700 x 30
What are two shapes that have four 90 degree angles and two sets of parallel lines?
A square and a rectangle.
5 1/3 + 2 2/3
5,412 divided by 7
773 R 1
What is the definition of a prime number?
¿Cuál es la definición de número primo?
A number that has ONLY the factors of 1 and number itself.
Number 1 cannot be a factor.
Un número mayor que 1 que tiene SÓLO dos factores, 1 y el número mismo.
60,000 x 7=
What are perpendicular lines?
Perpendicular lines are lines that cross in opposite directions, creating right angles.
Darrell, Nani, and Anita ate an entire pie together. Darrell ate 2/9 of the pie. Anita ate 3/9 of the pie. What fraction of the pie did Nani eat?
Darrell, Nani y Anita comieron juntos un pastel entero. Darrell se comió 2/9 del pastel. Anita se comió 3/9 del pastel. ¿Qué fracción del pastel se comió Nani?