What are the letters you use to help with order of operation?
Why do we estimate before solving a problem?
It gives us an idea of what number our answer should be close to.
What number should I put on the top when multiplying?
25 x 30.87
--> Remember it is easier to multiply when the LONGER number is at the top.
What is the answer for 5^3?
5x5x5= 125
What is the phrase to help us when doing long-division and what are you doing for each word?
Does (divide)
Mcdonald's (multiply)
Serve (subtract)
Burgers (bring down)
Regularly (repeat)
How do you read the equation when it comes to division and multiplication and there are 2 of them?
Left to right
When multiplying with decimals, what should you do to help you solve the equation?
Ignore the decimal and only put it back after finding the sum.
How do I know how many decimals I should put after multiplying?
Count the digits after the decimal point in the 2 factors
If I am multiplying 761.90 x 89.53, how many digits will be after the decimal point for the product?
What do you do when there are no ones remaining and no more digits to bring down?
What would be the third step when solving this equation?
What are the 2 ways we learnt how to divide a decimal?
1) Remainder as a decimal
2) Dividing a decimal by a whole number
Solve this equation:
12.5 x 2.6 = ?
True or false:
24+11x2-3^2+19 = 38
It equals to 56.
Solve this equation:
369 ÷ 30 = ?
Solve this equation:
J-hope and his 6 friends paid a total of $182.21 to go to the Twice concert. How much did the ticket cost per person?
Solve this equation:
75.7 x 21.3 = ?
Solve this equation:
14.7 x 4.9 = ?
Solve this equation:
4 ÷ 357.2 = ?
Solve this equation:
Solve this equation:
45.2 x 19.5 = ?
Jessica skates 1.8 km to do a full lap of the in-line skating track. How far has she skates after completing 4.5 laps?
8.1 km
Cycle 3 is going on a field trip. There are 60 of them in all. 3/5 want to go to Laronde and the rest want to go to a museum. If it costs $34.50 for one (1) Laronde ticket, how much would it cost for students who want to go there?
A snowboarding lesson for beginners costs $195 for 20 people. How much must each person pay to take part in the lesson?